Belly Button Healing for
Pain Relief
Live Pain-Free, Naturally
Do you have a stiff neck and shoulders, aching back, or throbbing sciatic pain?
Does your pain keep you up at night and prevent you from fully enjoying life?
You can find natural relief for your pain by stimulating your belly button!
Very similar to reflexology, Belly Button Healing stimulates fascia tissue that is connected like a web through your entire body through the nervous system. This healing method has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and works with the energy flowing through your body!
The navel is an important acupressure point called the ShinGwol or God’s
Palace, and for good reason!
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this point is used in emergency treatment to immediately
revive someone who has suddenly lost consciousness.
That’s how powerful and important your belly button is!
Wow, right? But how can pressing your navel help relieve pain in your neck, back,
knee, sciatica or elbow?
Just below the surface of
your button lies…
  • 90% of the body's serotonin - the happiness hormone
  • An extensive network of fascia tissue (holds all your organs together)
  • About a third of the blood in the body
  • 50% of the body's dopamine - the joy hormone
  • Nerves that link directly to the brain
  • You digestive system
By massaging and stimulating your belly button twice a day for about 10 minutes, you work
to circulate more blood through the body which brings fresh oxygen and more healing power to tissues, nerves, muscles and joints.
Through the regular and mindful stimulating of the navel, the interconnected
web of fascial tissue in the abdominal area is being prompted to heal, repair and regenerate that which is out of balance. Energy is life and Belly Button Healing amplifies the energy that is already coursing through your body to heal.
Try it, risk-free!
Get the 3-piece Belly Button Healing Kit for thorough, hands-on
demonstrations on using the special Healing Life wand to get
straight to the pain point!
Belly Button Healing Kit
Illustrated How-to Book
Book copy: Learn the Hows and Whys of Belly Button Healing from the anatomical to the spiritual. Step-by-step guidance and illustrations will take the "guesswork" out of performing Belly Button Healing.
Belly Button Healing Kit
Healing Life Wand
Wand copy: This wand really is magic! Using it will allow you to reach points within your belly button to release and relieve tension, stress and blockages, which relate to pain felt in your body. Its ergonomic design and different-sized ends make doing Belly Button Healing daily easy and effective.
Belly Button Healing Kit
Online Course
Course copy: This experiential course will guide you through applying the Belly Button Healing method to your everyday life, anytime, from anywhere! Practice along with a certified instructor to get the most out of Belly Button Healing.
Get the Belly Button Healing Kit for Just $99
($141 value)
So why the Belly Button?
Belly Button Healing releases prenatal energy which is considered to have the most powerful healing potential in Traditional Chinese Medicine. And because the navel is connected energetically to the entire body through fascial tissue and the nervous system, tension in one area can be attributed to pain or an imbalance in the corresponding part of the body.
The 8 Sections of Belly Button Stimulation
By stimulating your belly button at these different angles,
you can directly influence the condition of important body parts and organs:
Sections of Belly Button
Give it a Try Now...
Hold your thumb gently but firmly at each of the 8 points above for at least 5 seconds, and
don’t forget to breathe naturally!
Relax and just observe the sensations…
Suseong Lee
Suseong Lee, age 80, former Prime
Minister, South Korea
“I had a very novel experience with Belly Button Healing. I took part in an event at a time when my lower back was killing me, so I took about five minutes and did Belly Button Healing. Afterward, my back didn't hurt even though I sat for over two hours in a chair at the event. My lower back felt so good that I didn't need a cane when I got up from my seat after the event was over.”
Meet the Healing
Life Wand!
The ergonomic design and different sized points allow for highly effective stimulation of the belly button and entire gut without straining your shoulders or growing tired.
Belly Button Video
Chun Mu
Chun Mu, Duluth, GA
“I have been having pain on my right hip for four months. I tried Belly Button Healing with the Healing Life Wand and it relieved the pain significantly and immediately. I also use Belly Button Healing to release tension from work stress.”
12 Benefits of an
Internal Workout
  1. Promotes blood circulation
  2. Warms abdomen, increases body temperature
  3. Improves digestive and excretory functions
  4. Relaxes body and mind
  5. Increases immunity and detoxification
  6. Boosts physical vitality
  7. Clears head and improves concentration
  8. Relieves pain and tension in joints
  9. Expands physical and mental well-being
  10. Makes skin lustrous and smooth
  11. Strengthens familial bonds of love
  12. Creates feelings of centeredness
Gut Health = Total Body Health
Barbara Leiber-Klotz
Barbara Leiber-Klotz, NM
“I had minor to heavier pain in my belly button pressure points, cold and warm tingling throughout the body afterward from head to toe, no pain in my right shoulder at all, nor in my left thigh after a Belly Button Healing session. However, my back and kidney pain has been gone since the session.”
Try Our Belly Button Healing Kit to Take Control of
Your Pain and Get Your Life Back!
Belly Button Healing Kit
Illustrated How-to Book
Learn the Hows and Whys of Belly Button Healing from the anatomical to the spiritual. Step-by-step guidance and illustrations will take the "guess work" out of your daily internal workout.
Belly Button Healing Kit
Healing Life Wand
This wand really is magic! Using it will allow you to reach points within your belly button to release and relieve tension, stress and blockages. Its ergonomic design and different sized ends make doing a daily internal workout easy and effective.
Belly Button Healing Kit
Online Course
This experiential course will guide you through applying the Belly Button Healing method to your everyday life, anytime, from anywhere! Practice along with a certified instructor to get the most out of your daily internal workout.
Just $99, you save $42 from the total value!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
We strongly believe this method will help you totally transform your health, and the Belly Button Healing Kit has everything you need to do just that!
However, we understand everyone is different. If you don’t absolutely love the method or experience tangible results, we’ll refund your money, no questions asked!
But...we’re sure you’re going to be pleasantly surprised
with the results you experience
from this ground-breaking method!
Take it from these doctors who recommend it...
Chief of Psychiatry of the Adult Mental Health Division of the Hawaii / Department of Health
"Belly Button Healing relieved tight muscles and pain in my lower back and hips within just twenty-four hours. Add this technique to your self-care routine and see how it strengthens your second brain, the gut, and pumps more energy and vitality into your life. I highly recommend it."
Managing Director at Tuckson / Health Connections
"I have incorporated many of Ilchi Lee’s techniques into my personal daily meditation, health, and exercise practice for several years. I have found Belly Button Healing to be a simple way of calming my mind, relaxing my body, and promoting a peaceful sense of well-being. I’m happy to recommend this wonderful technique to everyone."
OB/GYN, Pelvic Pain Expert, Author
"I’ve been using Belly Button Healing on myself, and I’ve found that it has lessened the intestinal side effects of the medications I must take every three weeks, making me much more comfortable. I encourage everyone to start their own daily practice of Belly Button Healing and discover its subtle yet profound benefits for themselves."
Woman laptop
Have Some Questions?
Book a Free Private Skype Session Skype Session with an Expert!
We’re here to answer your questions, help you find your stress points, and give you advice on how to use Belly Button Healing to activate your healing power and relieve what ails you.
Your 15 Minute Session Includes:
  • Deeper understanding of Belly Button Healing - philosophy, spirituality, anatomy
  • Self-Test to determine where you’re holding tension or have a blockage
  • Q&A Session with Belly Button Healing expert
Get the Kit and Get Healthy Now!
Belly Button Healing Kit
Valued at $141, you can get it for
$99 ($42 discount).
Disclaimer: The Healing Life, Belly Button Healing Wand is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and is not a medical product. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner on any matters regarding your health.
© 2016 Vortex AMC, LLC. All Rights Reserved