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Mindful Parenting Live Class Teaches How to Make Resilient Children

Mindful Parenting Live Class Teaches How to Make Resilient Children
Mindful parenting makes resilient children, says Dave Beal, National Program Director and head trainer for Power Brain Education—and father of a teenage son. That's the message in his informative and inspiring webinar Mindful Parenting, to be broadcast on February 10, 2015.

Applying the energy principles of neuroplasticity, or how the brain generates new neurons and processes new information, Beal will discuss how parents can leverage the brain's potential and apply it to both parenting and child development.

"I want to teach you how to create emotional balance in your family and how to maximize your potential to be the best parent you can be," says Beal. Prior to the webinar, you can submit your questions and or topics you would like addressed in this webinar to support@changeyourenergy.com or here.

Through family retreats, classes at Power Brain Training Centers and from working with over 350 schools nationwide, Power Brain Education's vision is to empower every parent, child and teacher with tools to reach their human potential and create fulfilling lives.

You can visit www.PowerBrainTraining.com for more information on PBE classes and workshops.

Click here to attend Mindful Parenting live class.
Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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Body & Brain Energy Exercise
By Brian Huff
Mon, Feb. 24, 10:00-11:00AM EST
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