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Do You Love the Earth?

Do You Love the Earth
Hello to all of the CYE.com members. This is Ilchi Lee.

I'm living in New Zealand right now, and I am in one spot on the earth. Where do you live? You also live in a certain spot on the earth. We are neighbors and family living on the same earth at the same time. That's why we're really close.

But if we forget that this earth is our common denominator, we think that we're all living separately. If we truly intend to become one, if humanity is going to become one, we have to know the core value that is the earth.

Over the years, human beings have plucked out many of the earth's resources to use and also recklessly developed and polluted the earth and made it sick. The energy waves from the destruction of the environment perpetrated by humans is inflicting pain upon the plants and animals of the earth, and like a boomerang, it's coming back to humankind. I can't tell you how much it breaks my heart whenever I think about this.

This is because humankind has progressed a civilization that is centered on materialism and selfish desires until now. The circumstances in which humankind currently finds itself are akin to being on a roller coaster where you never know when you might be about to tailspin into a steep drop. If we don't stop here, the future that will be inevitable is obvious. Now, we need to put the brakes on the misdirected systems centered on materialism and selfish desires to slow things down, and then we need to turn our direction to that of the era of spiritual civilization.

This isn't something that any particular country or religion, or any specific figure can appear and handle for us. It's something that can be done when the people who love the earth get together. Who is that? That's us.

This is a simple prayer that I offer with Mother Earth in mind:

"Mother Earth, I love you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry. From now on, I will live for you, the mother of humanity, the mother of all Life. We have come to the 21st century earth to save the earth. We are your children. I love you. I love you. I love you forever."

Try Qigong and other exercises to connect with the energy of the earth. Through them, experience the earth beyond your five senses.

I would love for you to post comments sharing how you feel about Mother Earth or the opinions that arise when you think about suffering and pain of Mother Earth caused by the destruction of the earth's environment resulting from human selfishness and greed.

I formed the Earth Citizen Organization, a gathering of people who love the earth. Our goal is to build a community of 100 million Earth Citizens who rise above challenges to realize peace and sustainability for the Earth. Please join and support us.

Visit EarthCitizens.org.

Click here to get a free copy of Ilchi Lee's new book The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing.
Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
17 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Yes I love the Earth , my primary responsibility is to have peace in my brain so I am an example of how I want the world to be .
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I love mother earth and I love your prayer!!!  Thank you so much for the reminder.  About a month ago I just started sitting on the grass and sending love to Mother Earth.  And then for some reason I stopped.  I came across this site and you and have ordered "The Solar Body" book and signed up for the video class and now I'm reading your blog posts and feeling that there is hope to us all and to mother earth.  I can't wait to truly start practicing the Solar body, doing the meditations and now will sit on the grass again and ask Mother earth for her forgiveness and send her more love.  Thank you for all you are doing for humanity.  
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My heart was touched as I read everyone's commitment to the Earth. You give me hope that your awareness can be shared by many. Even the smallest action you take for the Earth is important. Many small actions will lead to a new spiritual civilization.
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How I feel about Mother earth (continued... final thoughts and sharing with You for today)....

So although I agree with You, that we need to all make the 'jump' to save Mother earth... it is kind of like telling a man save the whole planet when his own little home is burning down to the ground and he feels helpless and lost....  My thoughts are, that to reach the overall mass of Earth Citizens, we have to undue all of the laws and regulations that we have imposed on ourselves to restrict our deepest humanity....   Because only when we love and truly understand and accept ourself first, not only our character and our goodness and our passions and our skills and abilities and our work and endeavors, but also and especially including our own bodies and our own sexuality.... then next we can truly open up to loving our neighbor... because we can't wholly love someone else until we wholly love ourself.... and once we can truly love and accept and adore and worship each other... then, we can value the earth... the Garden of Eden that God originally intended us to have and to enjoy...   Until this happens, we are beating our head against the wall... no matter how scientifically we beat it, or how whole-heartedly passionately we beat it... no matter how devotedly we beat it, or no matter how many hours we go without sleep while we beat it... now matter how many other wise words and wisdom we attempt to communicate and share while we beat it... no matter how much energy we work so hard to continue to build up and to use to teach and help others while we beat it... no matter how many yet few followers, students and disciples we attract, in the scope of things compared to what we actually need... no matter how much we sacrifice.... no matter how much of anything we try so hard to do while we are still here in our body on this earth... until we help restore each Human spirit with a physical body to accept and embrace itself, and then help spirits with bodies accept and embrace each other... until then... we will only be beating our heads against a brick wall... If we want to restore Mother Earth to the Garden of Eden, as it was meant to be, we must start with the individual accepting the Garden of Eden within him/her own physical and spiritual body....   I hope that You can understand....    Sincerely, With Gratitude, Your Devoted student, follower and admirer.... Lori Hutchinson.

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How I feel about Mother earth (continued)....   My spot right now is in Massachusetts.... I miss my spot in Las Vegas, where I was for five years, especially since it was so close to Sedona... where Mago Garden, my home here on earth, actually is.... Today my spot is back in the little hometown where I was born and raised... back on the farmland that is my ancestral family's land...  I love the open land, enclosed by woods at the edge... and the animals that love to romp around and play in the open field, so green right now, as i watch from the hill in my Father's backyard....    My closest and dearest Friend, whom I love and adore, has a spot now in Bali, Indonesia.... I look at where he is on the map... almost as far away from me as we could possibly be geographically here on the earth, and yet I feel closer and bonded more to Him than anyone ever before....  I am going to visit him in a couple of months.... He has also had spots in India, helping with farmland and farming techniques, and he has had spots in Japan, establishing a school to teach English using games that are so fun to play, you don't realize you're learning... He originally came from so close by to me.... Connecticut, his ancestral home for many generations of Americans now...  When you speak of us.... as humanity being One... I know that is true now from the depths of my study and meditations on the Chun Bu Kyun.... which I chant in my sleep....  Yet even still, i realize how shallow these words play on the minds and never mind in the hearts and souls of the people of the earth....   You said,  "If we truly intend to become one, if humanity is going to become one, we have to know the core value that is the earth."    People can't grasp this because they are still struggling just trying to become one with themselves.... i bet 98% or more of people are not one with themselves... not even close...   So I hope that You don't mind me offering an additional perspective to yours.... I understand about what you are saying about the core value is that of the earth... Without the earth, there is no humanity... i understand this... But i think in order to reach the hearts and souls of Men and Women, we have to teach them first to become one with themselves.... And suppressing the natural impulses that Mother Nature has given us as human beings, by choosing to sweep with a broom to distract them (as is suggested in the Words of Grandmaster Manwol Dojeon- whom I love, adore, and somewhat worship.... but i disagree with her on this point)....  That is falling into the trap that was laid on us many many years ago... in the Bible....     God even told us (I believe in both a Father/God and Mother/Goddess Godhead, btw)....   But as I was saying... God even said to humanity....  DO NOT EAT OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.... in other words, don't buy into this idea....    but they did... they were fooled, and the result is that they became ashamed of themselves and their nakedness... they became ashamed of their natural bodies and tried to cover themselves and hide from God....   that is our first problem....  The result is that God KICKED them out of the Garden....  and that is where we have been now for thousands of years... in exile from the natural beauty and joy and sharing and openness that God intended us to enjoy with our own self and each other...     

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How I feel about Mother earth (continued)....   Deep within, I feel the pain of Mother earth... I sense her deepest sorrow and pain... how we have violated her to the depths of her being...  She began to show me this pain when I went to Rainbow Bridge.... I immediately sensed her hurt... how fragile she was now, she said to me there...."Look what you've done to me!"... I could hardly stand to bear her message to me.... And Yet, as a Mother, she remains... holding on fastly to whatever is left, despite the cracks in even the fragile remains that are left... the cracks are still forming, Yet she endures, and tries to remain as strong as she can and together.... So that she can be there in the future for her children.... a love of the most Awesome and Most Sincerely Devoted Mother of All.... The Mother of Humanity....  I sense, sincerely, that the drilling of oil from the depths of her soul is causing our most deepest problems... the speed of the earth as it travels around the sun going out of control, is somehow, someway tied to the fact that we have mined our grounding away... and now we are too light and don't have the strong magnetism that we need to stay in place, where we should be....   That is our deepest of problems... everything else is surface issues that can be resolved if we act quickly, but this deepest problem remains... 
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Dear Master,

How I feel about Mother earth....

I feel about Mother earth as i walk in the morning.... i take off my shoes and walk barefoot in the sand and the grass... i slush through the water of a pond near my house....   i feel about Mother earth as i lie in the grass under a tree and look up through the branches... such a unique perspective....  and then up to the sky and the sun....   I feel about Mother earth as i walk through the woods, and i squat down to pee, while i am hidden within the trees....   i feel about Mother earth as i watch the hummingbirds in the summer... they like to tease me... the come swoop in and stay in place to catch my attention, showing off a bit... and the dart away... so quickly i have no idea where they went....  i could go on and on HOW
 i Feel about (around, and on on the planet of) Mother earth....

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I love and have a depp connection with Mother Earth and she loves me very much too. It is through this love that the planet and all creation will be healed
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Let's come back to humankind and break down the barriers that separate us. Let's become one earth rather than nations and walls fighting each other.
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Thank you for this.  I feel your love.  I also feel the love of the earth.  I repent for my small mind and I will choose to live for the whole. 
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