Aileen Xu, “a lifestyle blogger, vlogger & artist of life from LA,” published an awesome video on how to improve your natural healing power. Her video summarizes key ideas of
The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing by
New York Times bestselling author Ilchi Lee.
Aileen’s video, “How to Restore Your Body's Natural Healing Power,” reminds you of how easily you can lose the balance between your “flight or flight” (sympathetic) and “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) nervous systems. It also gives you easy tips for restoring your body’s natural healing mode by bringing these two systems back into balance.
Watch her video to uncover your inner healer and start a Solar Body lifestyle.
What did you think of the video? Share your reaction in the comments.
Are you inspired to jumpstart your natural healing power? Learn more for yourself by
getting your copy of The Solar Body from for just the cost of shipping and handling. Then learn the exercises by following the online course, which is only $9 at the time you sign up for the book. Share the Solar Body Method with your friends.
Aileen has many other lifestyle and travel videos on her YouTube channel,
Lavendaire. Check it out for more ways to “learn to live fully and completely; to be ALIVE, vibrant, and well!”