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Hanwoori’s Favorite Tool for Spiritual Connection

Hanwooris Favorite Tool for Spiritual Connection
Hanwoori, chosen spiritual name of Brian Korbelik, manages the Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi center in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has been practicing yoga for over six years and teaching it for the past four and a half. In addition to teaching at the center, he conducts worksite wellness classes and pro bono classes at community facilities. Hanwoori and Body & Brain Yoga have been featured on segments about breast cancer on ABC15 and FOX10 in Arizona. He can also be found here on CYE in his “Deep Stretch with Hanwoori” online course.

When asked what his favorite product is, Hanwoori did not hesitate to recommend Ilchi Lee’s book, Calligraphic Meditation for Everyday Happiness. This hardcover is a collection of 52 inspirational messages paired with brush calligraphy, written and drawn by Lee himself. It has short passages of wisdom based on the Tao presented beautifully in full color.

Here is what Hanwoori had to say about Calligraphic Meditation during an interview with CYE.

Why do you like Calligraphic Meditation for Everyday Happiness?

I really love this book because for me, it’s not always easy to read a book cover to cover; it’s just not easy for me to always make time for it. But this book is so easy to use. It only takes a few minutes to read, and it’s something you can take with you all day. You don’t even need to read a lot.

This book is so useful because I use it for messages. We all need messages a lot, especially when we’re struggling. We need them for our growth and inspiration and healing. I find this to be the best thing for me. I feel like the messages in this book are connecting me to hope in my life, and this book is an easy way to share it with everyone else. It changes my day every day.

How do you usually use this book?

I’ve been trying to stay strongly connected to the purest universal energy, which I think this book contains. It’s pure principle. The messages take me beyond my personal preconceptions and energy to the universal energy that’s greater than my small self.

The way I usually use it is, whenever I need a message, I ask and intend for the message I really need to hear right now and then just open the book randomly. It is always the message I need. I read the book throughout the day, and I keep thinking about those messages all day.

Since I started doing this, my brain is connecting to more principles. Now I can focus a lot better, and my healing ability has become more efficient and a higher quality. It’s still doing that; it’s still changing.

At first, I was only doing this for me, but then I started to use it in my work at the Body & Brain Center, especially to be able to deliver that energy during a class or private session. That energy opens your chakras and energy meridians. This practice has started to help everyone, and now everything I’m doing is gradually becoming more successful because I’m not just using my own knowledge or power anymore.

During every class I teach, I choose and read a message while members are lying down during the relaxation period. First, I try to meditate and ask, “Please give us the best message for all of us right now.” Then I randomly pick a message, and I don’t question it; I just read that one. Sometimes the same message comes up a couple of times, but I don’t switch it. It’s obviously what we need, although sometimes the message that comes out really surprises me.

Usually the members like it a lot. Some of them even say, “That was a really good message. I really needed to hear that.”

This book is even helping the kids I teach at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. I read it during classes there as well. Some of the kids are really troubled. One of them recently almost attempted suicide. He’s really struggling. But I felt his sincerity, and I felt like I needed to give him the book. He’s been reading it and using it every day. I feel like through this book, I can share a lot of hope.

What other recommendations do you have for using Calligraphic Meditation and getting the most out of it?

There are many good ways to use the messages in this book. Some suggestions are:

  • Reading a message every day, especially when you first wake up.
  • Even if you don’t open it every day, pick a message whenever you face a challenge or need some comfort, inspiration, or energy. Keep the book close to you, somewhere you are a lot, such as your workplace or home.
  • Do a year of change. Read one of the 52 messages every week. At the beginning of the week, pick a message, and then read it at the beginning of every day that week. Then apply it to your life. This is a very powerful way to use it.
  • Do a 21-day practice in which you devote each day for 21 days to one message.
  • Cut out the pages and hang them in frames around your house. It’s a great way for you to feel the messages too.
  • Give it as a gift and have the joy of sharing positive messages with others. The full-sized version looks great on a coffee table, and the pocket-sized version is easy to carry with you.
  • Use the audiobook in your car to play a message during your commute. Listen to one track over and over during your ride to absorb the message deeply.

You can go through the messages in the book from the beginning to the end, or you can pick them as I do. Before you pick a message, ask for the one that it’s best for you to hear right now. It will always be the message you need.

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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