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Become the Master of Your Brain to Achieve Your Goals in 3 Steps

Become the Master of Your Brain to Achieve Your Goals in 3 Steps

"All great accomplishments—every feat achieved by humans throughout history—are the work of the brain. In fact, our brains possess infinite latent potential." -Ilchi Lee, The Power Brain

Have you ever decided to do something, starting out with gusto, and lost steam as you went along, only to completely abandon the goal? This may not be because you are lazy, incapable or lack the skills needed to complete the goal, but because your brain has taken over and your willpower took a back seat.

Just as physical exercise helps our muscles grow stronger, our brains need exercise as well to help us achieve our goals.

One of the most important things to understand is that you are the master of your brain and you have complete control over it; not the other way around. Your brain is controlled by your consciousness, but when left unattended and under stimulated, it can truly have a mind of its own - allowing fear and doubt to run-a-muck.

How can your consciousness and willpower help you strengthen your brain and your power over it? Through continuously choosing to act on what you want to do, accomplish, eradicate and create.

Like a muscle, your willpower will grow stronger and your brain will grow with it when you take action. The goal is not to disempower the brain and take-over the mind like some dictator or brainwashing cult, but to simply show yourself that you are capable of taking control of your life. This is building trust in yourself and increasing empowerment through deliberate and mindful action.

These 3 (ok, 4) steps will help you take your power back and get your brain to work for you.

  1. First, evaluate where you are. Does what you say you’ll do align with what you actually do? Can you easily complete a task from start to finish or does fear/doubt/distraction/overwhelm get in the way?
  2. Second, make the choice to take control and prove to your brain that you are indeed the master of your inner universe and that your consciousness and willpower are mighty.
  3. Everyday, day after day, you must choose to activate your consciousness and willpower in order to reach the goal. Choose the goal each day and align every action you take with the goal.
  4. Repeat, repeat, repeat

When you practice these steps, you will begin to see just how much control you were giving away and how easy it is to take it back.

You may have to start little, with small tasks, and slowly build to the larger ones. It can be anything from doing the dishes to making a career change. The process is the same and the brain knows no difference.

Change doesn't happen overnight and the same goes for your brain. When you continually choose your goal, your willpower grows stronger and your consciousness wipes away any fear or doubt.

Aside from external circumstances out of our control, we have the ability to achieve anything we set our minds to. Without action, a good idea will never be more than just an idea. Take action; everyday

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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Mon, Feb. 24, 10:00-11:00AM EST
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