Whether you have oily skin, dry skin, acne-prone skin, aging skin, or even already perfect skin—anyone can benefit from a great, all-natural face mask to boost their complexion. Good news is you don’t have to break the bank or go too far out of your way for
healthier skin. In fact, you can craft an all-natural at-home face mask with products you might already have that will benefit more than just one way. Try these DIY face mask recipes using all organic ingredients to make 100% natural face masks.
Aloe Vera Face Mask for Sunburn

Main ingredients: aloe vera, coconut oil
This face mask for sun burns combines two of nature’s finest skin boosters: aloe vera and coconut oil. Mix a good amount of both together and apply it directly to sunburns or use it as a mask to cover your full face.
With aloe vera’s ability to heal sunburn damage and bacteria, it can soothe and heal the skin through its anti-inflammatory properties. The coconut oil can then add a sheen to any dry, flakey skin for deep moisturization, by strengthening the epidermal tissue and healing from the inside out. Coconut oil also contains small amounts of natural SPF, so you can use the mask on a regular basis to prevent future sunburns and boost the antioxidant levels in your tissues for not just a healthier face, but also a stronger one that can avoid damage.
So the next time your skin is red, burnt and peeling from too much sun exposure, this coconut oil and aloe vera face mask can bring your sunburned face back to full health.
Sea Salt Essential Oil Face Exfoliator

Main ingredients: sea salt, tea tree oil, argan oil, almond oil
More of a facial exfoliating scrub than a mask, this mixes the pure exfoliation power of sea salt with essential oils for a renewing skincare routine.
You can mix any number of
essential oils you’d like with the scrub but some that we recommend are tea tree, argan, and almond oils. Tea tree oil will help clear acne and reduce skin inflammation, while the argan oil packs power vitamins (A & E), antioxidants, and fatty acids to keep your face moisturized during and after the mask. Finally, almond oil adds a wonderful aroma and antiviral properties that will destroy harmful bacteria.
To make this exfoliating face scrub, combine one to two teaspoons of sea salt with an added drop or two each of the essential oils and then mix together. Then, apply to your face to cover the entire area and scrub gently. If you don’t find the mixture potent enough, you can add more essential oil as desired. The sea salt boasts a huge amount of
magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium—all the same nutrients found in our skin. So naturally, it can strengthen the skin and restore it to its peak form. If you struggle with your face either being too oil or dry, the sea salt will return the oil production to normal and turn dryness into moisture.
Ultra Moisturizing Raw Honey Face Mask

Main ingredients: raw honey
This is a simple raw honey face mask with tons of healing properties and ultimate moisture.
Warm up just a half teaspoon of raw honey and spread it onto your face, letting it sit for ten minutes before rinsing. The raw honey is a terrific natural source for enzymes, vitamins and skin-strengthening acids. It will rid your skin of disease-causing microorganisms, boost healing wounds, combat allergens and lower the visible effects of scars.
Make sure to buy honey that is clearly labeled as raw! The color will be solid and crystallized, which occurs naturally in raw honey. Conventionally processed honey loses its nutritional and healing value, while raw honey maintains all of the benefits and is unpasteurized.
The raw honey moisturizing face mask is great when you don’t have the time or energy to put together a more complex face mask at home. Chronic dry skin will be a thing of the past!
The Anti-Aging Acne Mask

Main ingredients: avocado, apple cider vinegar
It sounds like a strange combination, but avocado and apple cider vinegar both can do wonders for your skin.
To make the mask, mash avocado in a small bowl to a creamy texture as you mix in a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Add enough of the mixture to cover your face and then let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes after applied.
The avocado acts as a natural face moisturizer full of vitamins A, D and E, which will seep into your skin and heal deeply. It can boost collagen (protein in connective tissues) levels and act as an anti-inflammatory for irritated skin, returning any of your dryness or itchiness back to a healthy glow.
Apple cider vinegar is the stronger punch of the two to heal and prevent acne. It can destroy harmful bacteria underneath the skin, reduce gut-centered skin issues, dissolve dead skin cells, and reducing acne scarring. With the two together, this DIY face mask for acne will make your skin younger, brighter and prove stronger against future breakouts.
With these natural DIY face mask recipes, you’re skin will begin to look young, flawless, and moisturized - and you won’t need to shell out the big bucks at the beauty stores.