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New Guided Meditation Video: Ilchi Lee’s Magnetic LifeParticle Meditation with Aquamarine Crystal

New Guided Meditation Video Ilchi Lees Magnetic LifeParticle Meditation with Aquamarine Crystal
Ilchi Lee leads a new guided meditation video on Change Your Energy called Magnetic LifeParticle Meditation with Aquamarine Crystal. This video features LifeParticles with magnetic energy and a one-of-a-kind aquamarine crystal called the “Soul of Mago.” The crystal draws its powerful and pure energy from Mother Earth and helps open your heart (4th) and throat (5th) chakras to discover and use the voice of your inner soul. All of your stagnant and negative energy can be cleared and you will instead attract magnetic power to realize your soul’s true desires.

What are magnetic LifeParticles?

The Earth is covered by a powerful magnetic field. Animals and humans alike have an intuitive sense that’s in line with the Earth’s magnetic force. For example, this magnetic force guides migratory birds to return home at exactly the right time and for salmon to swim upstream to spawn. LifeParticles are the very energy within you and the building blocks of life that make up everything. Magnetic LifeParticles are the energy of life used to pull in and attract what you want and direct your soul onto its proper path.

This meditation will free your throat chakra to attract and manifest what you desire. The more you activate this power, the stronger it gets, allowing you to express yourself more and live positivity.

Summary of What You'll Receive

  • High-definition guided meditation video (approx. 20 min long) from energy master, Ilchi Lee
  • Downloadable MP3 file of the guided meditation to practice wherever you want
  • Improving and balancing your chakras, especially the throat (5th) chakra
  • Clearing stagnant energies, emotions, and thoughts
  • Releasing emotional baggage
  • Developing communication that invites abundant, loving relationships
  • Expressing your soul by connecting with Mago, Mother Earth

This video is currently on presale for $30 and will release on June 7, 2018.

Learn More Here on the Official Site

Written by Austin Adams
Austin is a writer and creative mind who loves movies, books and anything artistic. Video games are one of his favorite pastimes, along with working out and staying active. He likes to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also loves the experience of trying new food and drink. He's sort of a walking contradiction.
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