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15 Foods to Boost Your Immune System

15 Foods to Boost Your Immune System
If you want to be healthy and live long without getting trapped by disease, then it's important to maintain your immune system. To strengthen your immune system, you can turn to all kinds of vitamins and healthy green smoothies, but which foods are best to boost your immunity? Here is the list of top 15 foods that can help you maintain optimal health.

Strawberries contain many antioxidants, such as vitamin C. Antioxidants help your body fight against disease and aging. A cup full of strawberries provides 160% of your daily requirement for vitamin C.

Acai Berry
The dark color of acai berries indicates the large amount of antioxidants. Acai berries are usually found in juice form, in a smoothie, dried or mixed with granola. 

A handful of almonds gives your immune system a 'boost' if you suffer from stress. A quarter cup contains almost 50 percent of the vitamin E that you need daily. Almonds contain riboflavin (a vitamin B) and niacin (nicotinic acid) that also helps against stress.

Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes contain the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is also found in carrots. Sweet potatoes also contains a lot of vitamin A, which delays the aging process and reduces the risk of some cancers.

Broccoli contains many nutrients that improve your overall health. This vegetable contains vitamin A, vitamin C and glutathione (one of the most important antioxidants).

Mushrooms contain antioxidants and the mineral selenium. Riboflavin (a vitamin B) and niacin (nicotinic acid) in mushrooms are also important for a healthy immune system.

Grapefruit contains a lot of vitamin C. This helps against colds and flu. In grapefruit you can also find flavonoids, which are natural chemical compounds that activate the immune system. Don't like grapefruit? Then try oranges or citrus fruits for the same vitamins.

Garlic contains various antioxidants that keep bacteria, such as the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, out of your immune system. This bacterium is associated with stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. Cooking tip: peel and chop the garlic and wait 15 to 20 minutes for baking to activate the enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Cabbage contains glutathione, which is good for the immune system. There are different types of cabbage, such as white, red or Chinese cabbage. A tasty way to incorporate cabbage in a meal is in a soup or a stew.

Low-Fat Yogurt
If you eat a bowl of low-fat yogurt daily, you can reduce the chance of a cold because of the amount of vitamin D it contains in each serving.

Thanks to the mineral zinc, oysters are libido-enhancing and they strengthen your immune system. Low zinc levels are associated with male infertility. Zinc also appears to have an antiviral effect and can heal wounds (zinc ointment).

Spinach is known as a 'super food' because it is full of nutrients such as folate (folic acid or vitamin B9). This substance helps your body form new cells and to repair DNA. In addition, it contains antioxidants such as vitamin C. To get the most benefit from spinach, it is best to eat it raw or lightly cooked.

Wheat Germ
Wheat germs are the essence of wheat grain. A new plant emerges from the bud. It is a storage place for vitamins, minerals, proteins, the healthy fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, fiber and many other nutrients and antioxidants.

Both green and black tea contain polyphenols and flavonoids that fight diseases. If the cells in the body are threatened to be damaged, these antioxidants will protect them and your immune system.

A hydrating, refreshing, ripe watermelon contains many antioxidants. Glutathione strengthens the immune system and stops Infections.
Written by Edward Redmond
Edward Redmond is a professional gym trainer and an Avid Herbalist. He has been active for the last 9 years with his pieces of advice on fitness, eating right and healthy as well as health benefits of green drinks.
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