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A Poem for Your Meditation: The New Human Look

A Poem for Your Meditation The New Human Look
Have you ever met with your true self—the you that exists beyond your personal brand that you’ve established to represent yourself to the world?

Your name, your appearance, your thoughts, your feelings, your experiences, and your knowledge are not who you are. Your family, your position in society, your profession, and your possessions are not who you are. These things are what you have, not who you are. Do you feel your true self—who you really are—existing without your nametag, without the knowledge or ideas you’ve accumulated? Does your being itself feel precious and beautiful, here and now, regardless of what you’ve achieved or failed to achieve?

The moment we meet with our true self, we discover new value—an absolute, internal value, not a relative, external one. And when we discover that value, we develop a clear, unshakable center. If you are connected with your true self, you have nothing to fear in this world. With all the delusions surrounding you laid bare, you can feel yourself existing entirely between heaven and earth. That self isn’t the self you used to know, but in your deep inner consciousness, it is the self you’ve always dreamed of and hoped for.

I first encountered my true self about forty years ago during a deep meditation. My true self had nothing at all to do with popularity, with the praise or criticism of the world. My value wasn’t determined by the evaluations of others. I was life itself, immeasurable, infinite, lacking nothing, whole and beautiful and great. That was my absolute value, my true self. The relative value assigned to me by my ideas, and those of others and the world—that wasn’t me.

I was moved so deeply, so filled with awe, that I felt the sublime within myself; I came to truly love myself. What moved me most deeply was that other people also have and can discover the exact same value and true self that I did. The great life I felt was not only my substance, but the substance of all people, of all things existing in the universe. All life, including mine, has its own unique, absolute value and beauty, being interconnected in one great life.

True inner satisfaction comes from discovering absolute values—ones you choose yourself, not those determined for you by society or other people. Discover your own inner worth, a value that does not need to be—that cannot be—compared with anyone who is not you. It’s not a value that can be found in the visible, finite world. Rather, it’s an infinite and incomparable value, an absolute value you can encounter when you focus within yourself. Those who discover this value can live their own authentic lives, not lives expected of them or imposed on them by society or other people.

I wrote this poem to express the beauty and power of the true self that I’ve encountered. I believe the new human look that I described in the poem shines in everybody, waiting to be discovered.

Please find two audio recordings of the poem here. Johnathan Martinez, one of my students, read the poem in English. I also posted a Korean version recorded with my voice, with a wish that I can share my heart through energy, which transcends the barrier of language.

Reading and listening to this poem, imagine the energy of the new human look radiates from you. A bright, strong energy will wrap your body in its embrace and the energy will spread out through your entire body. A daring energy, bold and confident, fills your heart.

I hope you enjoy a meditation with this poem and share what you experienced. If you want to explore ways to meet your true self, I recommend reading my newest book Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation.

The New Human Look

With a face that does not lose its rapturous delight and smile
With arms elegant as a crane
With a heart that is euphoric as a dragon
holding a mystical pearl in its mouth
With legs strong and sturdy as a crane
With a back intrepid as a tiger
And a neck that looks as graceful as a deer

Your gaze pierces through the distant, vast expanse
With such beautiful eyes that envision an ideal and a dream
Your head radiates luminous wisdom
Your demeanor is that of a crane flying through the clouds
Your heart is on fire like the heart of a lion
Your hands are beautiful hands
That heal the pain and suffering of the people of the world
Your feet are like the hooves of a swift steed
That does not tire even from racing a thousand miles

In your heart, you cherish a higher cause,
and your gaze is fixed on the vision
Your face is brimming with ease and confidence
As your whole body surges with powerful strength.

Listen to me read the poem in my native Korean

Listen to the poem in English

Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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