We’ve got an exciting new live class — Core Strength with Nicole!
Nicole Wasserman is an artist and healer with over 10 years’ experience in eastern mind-body-spirit practices…
And she’s on fire with a mission to help you build the type of strength that goes beyond just the physical.
This class isn’t about getting a 6-pack or beach-perfect-body (though you can have that if you like)...
It’s about strengthening your core as the energy “battery” that fuels your entire system… so you can access your deeper power on a daily basis.
These live classes will be broadcasted monthly on
Saturdays at 9am PT / 12pm ET and are available FREE for Premium Members of Change Your Energy. As a Premium Member, you get access to weekly live classes, courses, webinars, our meditation app, and other exclusive benefits for just $19.99 a month.
Click here to learn more.
Why Your Core Matters
Your core is a complex series of muscles — more than just your abs — that we often call the “powerhouse” of the body. A strong core helps with balance and stability and aids in just about all physical activities. A strong core will help protect you from injury, help you maintain good posture, and give you greater stamina in your daily life.
But the muscular and structural benefits of having a strong core are only the beginning. A strong core also activates “Water Up, Fire Down” — the energy state that promotes optimal wellbeing in mind, body and spirit.
So you’ll have plenty of blood and energy flow to support your organs and limbs…
a healthy digestive and reproductive system…
a balanced flow of qi through your meridians…
a calmer, clearer mind…
and increased capacity overall.
Come build your core strength with us —
Click here to learn more about the Change Your Energy Premium Membership.