With summer’s arrival, we tend to focus on the physical appearance of our body as we plan for play time in the sun and the season’s more revealing clothing options. This focus on our body’s appearance is a good place to begin to develop awareness over the ways we may have become out of balance within ourselves.
Often this imbalance will become physically evident through changes in our posture, weight gain and in our ability to perform normal, routine activities with ease. The other ways that this imbalance may be noticed include moodiness, sleep problems and daytime fatigue, to list just a few.
Being healthy in general is not just about “being in shape.” Through exercises like Tai Chi and Dahn Yoga and what is known as “functional fitness,” your core strength can be developed and the body will become more stable, in balance and capable of peak performance.
Exercises that train muscle groups, joints and nerves together through specific postures and motion along with meditative breathing techniques and other methods, help to train the body and mind to work together toward a higher level of well-being.
The bonus is that as we re-train our bodies and restore flexibility, we develop a more youthful presence. Additionally, as stability, balance and muscular strength are improved, the risk of falls in older persons is reduced. The characteristics of a supple body, agility, firm muscles, good skin tone, calmness, endurance and vitality that are often associated with youth are attainable through a regular fitness program.
Before you begin:
• Check in with your regular medical practitioner
• Seek a qualified instructor and classes that are appropriate for your level of fitness and experience.
• Be consistent in your practice. Set aside the time and exercise or attend classes regularly.
• Enjoy the experience as you get to know your body and observe the “new you” emerging as the weeks pass.