Here’s some “food for thought!"
Whether by intuition or by meditation, we can come to realize that everything is energy, including the food we eat to sustain our physical body.
Some foods have higher vibrations than others, and we can sense this on a subconscious level. Try this: In your mind’s eye, visualize crisp green lettuce leaves and brilliant red tomatoes. Feel the healthy vibration that is inherent in these live foods.
By listening to your body, you can choose those foods that are a good vibrational match for your body and that offer increased vitality. As you might imagine, fresh organic fruits and vegetables offer the highest level of vibration.
In our society, we tend to view our supply of foods as “a given” and it is easy to take its availability for granted. Additionally, through some farming methods we have stepped away from what nature intended and have affected our foods in ways that must surely alter the natural energy contained within.
To further develop your intuitive attraction to the healthiest foods, pause before purchasing during your next visit to the market. Things that affect the quality of foods, such as freshness, organically grown and carefully stored and handled also affect the food’s vibration.
After you have carefully selected pleasing and nutritious foods for yourself, try the practice of Mindful Eating:
• Become focused in the present moment as you prepare your food and as you eat.
• Plan quiet meals where you can savor the tastes, textures and colors of the food.
• Chew slowly and stay aware of your body’s actual need for food allowing it to guide you for when to begin and when to stop eating.
As we enjoy the fresh foods of summer, let us become ever more mindful of the energy of food. Always in gratitude, we must consider every morsel as the energy it contains and offers our bodies. Collectively, we would do well to savor the experience of growing, preparing and eating our foods within a framework of respect, and seek those foods that offer the greatest nutrition for a healthy vibrational energy that can ultimately be shared globally.