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Awareness and the Fire Within

Awareness and the Fire Within
Meditation is a tool that helps us to envision and ultimately create better versions of ourselves. Through meditation we can develop mastery over our thoughts and our lives. One instance where we can experience meditation’s profound effect on our physical and mental condition is where what is known as “Fire Energy” is concerned.

Traditional Oriental medicine describes the natural world as comprised of fundamental elements of water, fire, earth, wood and metal. Fire and Water are the elements that create life, as well as balance and harmony. One natural direction for the flow of these two elements in nature is fire (heat) rises and water naturally falls, like rain.

In our bodies, when heat rises and collects, we may experience confused thinking or uncontrolled emotional responses, headaches, fatigue and other symptoms.

However, in a healthy balanced human body, there is a balancing counterpart to this effect. Known in Korean as Su-seung-hwa-gang or “Water up, Fire Down,” cooling energy from the kidneys travels along the spine and cools the brain as heat moves down the front of the body to the area in the lower abdomen, known as the Dahn-jon, where it becomes usable energy and vitality.

As we begin to understand the mechanics of a balanced body and mind, we can understand why meditation is a great stress reliever. It can calm the mind. Proper breathing can release tension in the upper body, especially the head. This release of tension is the result of moving the fire energy down.

Try this simple breathing meditation to help relieve tension, relax the body, cool the mind and put fire in its proper place!

In a seated position or while lying down, allow your chest, shoulders and upper body to relax completely. Keep your focus on your lower abdomen. It may help to rest your hands just below your belly button.

Begin to focus on your breathing. Breathe deep down into your lower abdomen, then slowly exhale through your mouth. As you close your eyes, focus on each relaxed breath.

After a while, you may notice warmth gathering in your abdomen. Enjoy the quieting sensation that the relaxation brings.
Written by L.A. Trombetta
Sedona artist, L.A. Trombetta shares her nature-inspired writing, music, and art on this website. Lynn’s whimsical, adult fiction plays with the edges of life and reconnects with the magic of True Spirit and fresh vision for a joyful, limitless life based on personal creative evolution and awareness.
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