Of the seven chakras, the two most creative and physically energetic of them reside in the lower half of our body, in the first and second chakras. The Second or Sacral Chakra sits below your navel in the Lower Dahn-jon.
Sacral Chakra wants to give birth to new ideas and creativity. It is the chakra of vitality, physical strength and sexual energy. It is the chakra of sex, money and relationships. It corresponds to the uterus, sexual organs and prostate gland. Physical conditions that can indicate an unbalanced Sacral Chakra can include lower back pain, impotence, urinary tract and pelvic infections and appendicitis.
The second chakra acts as a furnace that fuels the body’s fiery physical energy and power, while the first chakra acts as a pump that helps energy flow up through the other chakras.
Sacral Chakra, when it is open and balanced, freely expresses joy, passion, sensuality and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely. You can express yourself without being overly emotional. You are open to intimacy and passion and have a healthy attitude about your own sexuality.
When the Sacral Chakra is closed off or unbalanced, you tend to be rigid, lack emotion and even lack empathy. On the other hand, if the Sacral Chakra is over-stimulated it can cause you to be overly emotional, overtly sexual and overly attached to people.
These chakras are the source of physical vitality and life force that forms the foundation for the higher chakras. Focusing on your first and second chakras will boost your energy and give you the confidence to assert yourself in your relationships, the workplace and the world.
Here are two meditations you can use to clear and balance the Sacral Chakra:
Abdominal Breathing – Perform a daily practice of abdominal breathing to activate and fill your first and second chakras. As you inhale, let your abdominal wall extend, and release it as you exhale. Focus on your first and second chakras as you breathe. For greater effect, contract your pelvic floor muscles when you inhale and relax them when you exhale. When the second chakra is full of energy, you will feel its heat in your lower abdomen.
Feel Your Qi – With this exercise, you can free yourself from your thoughts and emotions, feeling your qi energy rather than judging it with your thinking mind. This exercise is known in Korean as “Ji-Gam.” Ji-Gam focuses on the hands because the hands are one of the most sensitive and perceptive parts of the body. Here’s how to do it: Hold your hands in front of you in prayer position, with your palms facing each other but about two inches apart. Let your hands slowly drift further apart. Concentrate on your hands and the energy building in the space between them. Now move them closer together again. Create a ball of energy with your mind. Imagine that you are holding a bright ball of light in your hands. As you move your hands apart and together, make the ball brighter and bigger with every motion. Breathe in the peace, light and beauty of this “energy ball.”