"You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life.’"
- Wayne Dyer
Week 1: Hope
Welcome to a new day and a new beginning. Today offers an opportunity to break from routine, to open your heart and mind to the natural flow of change. You can create change because you can recognize it as a precious opportunity to choose.
Yesterday, you made your resolution of hope. Today, you can make room for that hope to grow by releasing whatever no longer serves you.
Have you tried to control circumstances or people? Control will only postpone any experience you seek to avoid.
Control wastes life energy because your circumstances are only energetic reflections of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. With control you will end up recreating the very thing you are trying to change. Releasing control will free you as well as the person, place or thing you are holding onto.
Relax and practice releasing, rather than controlling. Whatever you release can be transformed into something that helps you.
During this meditation and throughout the day, reflect on your past and release it so you can embrace the present. As you meditate, release the past and create a rich present. You can begin to trust that all is here for your higher good.
Day 2 Meditation:
Wherever you are, first please sit down. You can meditate in any position, but it is best for your situation to be in a position that is both relaxed and alert.
To keep your back straight during meditation you may lean against a wall or pillow.
Pick up your LifeParticle Card (or find a digital version at
ChangeYourEnergy.com); take 30 seconds to look at the LifeParticle Sun. This will help you shift your focus to what you want to achieve.
Now close your eyes; take a deep breath and slowly exhale until you empty out your lungs. Relax your shoulders and breathe like this 2 more times.
Keep your eyes closed and imagine yourself in your business, or the home you shared with your ex, or some environment strongly associated with your challenge. Imagine all the furniture, plants, or artwork in the space. Relax your body and see yourself in the center of this space.
Begin deep breathing again and with each exhale imagine something disappears from the room. Keep breathing and emptying the space around you for 2 minutes.
When you are done, shake your shoulders vigorously for 30 seconds to release any remaining tension. Do you feel lighter?
Now you can begin to feel free to release everything you know about your situation and get a fresh perspective.
Now say the weekly affirmation out loud. If possible, look at yourself in the mirror.
“In every day, in every way, I am changing and growing. I can choose to make it better!”
Get the motivation and inspiration to stay on track with your personal goals by taking the
2014 New Year’s Resolution Challenge!
Important Practice Tips
In just 21 days, you can unlock your hidden potential and transform your habits for a more fulfilled life. With a simple combination of daily inspiration, meditation, breathing exercises and affirmations, you can achieve your goals and create the life you really want.
Try to meditate at the same time every day:
Please remember that meditation involves your body and mind. Both will respond best to a consistent practice at a regular time. You will have better results if you do this around the same time every day.
Be patient with the Healing Process:
These 21 days will be process of self-healing. The healing process means that some emotional items you identify and release may seem to intensify as you are releasing them.
Also, there may be subtle physical reactions to the emotional release such as unexpected exhaustion or mild achiness.
This message is not intended as medical advice, so please consult your healthcare practitioner with any health concerns.