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Meditate with the Wooden Pillow for Stress Relief

Meditate with the Wooden Pillow for Stress Relief
It's common to experience blockages in our energy system due to the constant low-level stress we face. This stress builds up in our bodies, causing tension and throwing our energy system out of balance. We often dismiss symptoms like headaches, stiff necks, digestive issues, or stiff joints as normal, something we have to live with.

But we don't have to—and shouldn’t—accept this as our reality.

If left unaddressed, these energy imbalances can lead to more serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. That's where the Wooden Pillow comes in. This simple yet powerful tool is designed to target these energetic issues before they escalate into something severe.

Don't let the name fool you—it can be used in various ways on different parts of your body. Its shape perfectly aligns with the natural curves of your body, helping to open and stimulate your energy meridians and acupressure points. By incorporating the Wooden Pillow into your daily routine, you can take charge of your own healing process and reduce stress levels.

In this article, we'll look into the energy centers of the body and their connection to stress, and give you a meditation you can do with the Wooden Pillow to restore balance to your body and mind.

The Vital Energy Centers

At Change Your Energy, we teach some practices that specifically focus on three essential energy centers within the body, known as dahnjons in Korean. These energy centers correspond to the lower abdomen, the heart region, and the third eye area. In the 7-chakra system, they align with the second, fourth, and sixth chakras.

The lower dahnjon functions as the foundation for optimal physical health. The middle and upper energy centers play significant roles in emotional well-being and spiritual development. But all three are intimately connected—when there is blocked energy anywhere in the system, it can lead to both physical and mental discomfort.

Many of us hold stress and anxiety in the neck, shoulders, and chest. Tension and energy blockages in these regions restrict the circulation of energy throughout the body. Consequently, energy gets trapped in the head, causing increased thinking, worrisome thoughts, and perpetuating the cycle of stress.

Using the Wooden Pillow in Meditative Practice

By using the Wooden Pillow as part of a meditative practice, you can effectively address these blockages, restoring harmony and vitality to your energy centers, and providing relief from mental stress as well.

What do we mean by "meditative"? Meditation involves focusing your attention and awareness. By turning your attention inward and focusing on body sensations, energy, and breath, you can slow down the constant stream of thoughts in your mind. This allows stillness and heightened awareness to emerge, providing a pause from the habitual patterns of incessant thinking.

As the Wooden Pillow physically opens the energy centers, facilitating the natural flow of energy, introducing this meditative approach with your mind will further shift the energy within, guiding it downward towards the lower body center. Through this intentional focus, the mind works in tandem with the physical practice, helping slow down thinking speed and releasing stress from the entire system.

Stress-Relieving Meditation with the Wooden Pillow

This meditation is based on the exercise found on page 95 of the book, Wooden Pillow Exercises for Stiff Neck, Shoulder Pain, Spinal Health, and Relaxation.

  1. 1. Lie on the floor with your arms angled approximately 45 degrees from the body and your feet separated shoulder-width apart. For added comfort, you can place a small pillow or towel under your head. Palms should face upward, chin tucked, and neck relaxed. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing it to naturally flow into your chest. Take note of the expansion and contraction of your chest.

  2. 2. Direct your attention to the breath as it moves in, expanding your chest to its natural edge, and on the exhale, releasing outward. Ideally, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, with the exhale slightly longer than the inhale. If your mind wanders, redirect your focus back to your breath. After a few minutes, you may notice that your chest feels more open, and the breath begins to naturally move deeper into your abdomen. Allow your breath to flow at its own pace and depth.

  3. 3. After a couple of minutes, place the Wooden Pillow parallel to your spine on the upper part of your back. Ensure the rounded edge of the pillow is on the floor, pressing into your back on both sides of your spine. Position one of the short edges near the junction of your shoulders and neck, aligning the ridges of the pillow. Lie on the muscles on either side of your spine, avoiding contact with the spine itself. Rest your hands and legs in the original position.

  4. 4. Maintain your breath in this posture and direct your focus inward. Scan your body, starting from the head and moving down to the toes, consciously relaxing each part and releasing tension with each exhale. If there is lingering tension, visualize breathing it out with each breath. Avoid following any wandering thoughts—simply allow them to pass by. If any stressful thoughts arise, remind yourself that they are just energy forms and not a reflection of your true self. Notice the sensations in your body and embrace the space between thoughts.

  5. 5. Remove the Wooden Pillow and take a few more minutes to breathe with your mouth closed, releasing any remaining tension. Concentrate your mind on gathering energy in your lower abdomen.

  6. 6. Stay in this position for as long as you'd like or as much time as you have. Before getting up, shake out your arms and legs.

We recommend regularly incorporating stress-relieving meditations and practices into your routine to cultivate a calmer state of mind and prevent stress from building up.

To experience this and many other ways to use the Wooden Pillow for your health, check out our Wooden Pillow Kit.

You can also get the components separately: a Wooden Pillow and the book, Wooden Pillow Exercises for Stiff Neck, Shoulder Pain, Spinal Health, and Relaxation.

The Wooden Pillow comes with access to the The Wooden Pillow: Head-To-Toe Massage & Healing course on Change Your Energy. This course and others featuring the Wooden Pillow are also available as part of a CYE Premium Membership. You can try out a Premium Membership for 15 days free if you’re a first-time user.

Written by Kris Allo
Kris is a loving, creative soul with a deep personal healing story. Mindbody practices, energy work and meditation changed her life back in 2006, and today, she’s inspired to share these tools with as many people as possible to help them live happier, healthier lives. In addition to writing, teaching, and coaching, Kris is also a visual artist with a passion for using art to uplift, inspire, heal and transform.
2 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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The Wooden Pillow sounds like a fantastic way to release built-up stress and blockages. I’ve always been interested in holistic approaches to stress relief. Along with using tools like this, I’ve found that getting vitamin d injections near me has made a big difference in my overall energy levels and health. It’s great to see different methods coming together to enhance wellbeing!
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Meditating with a wooden pillow has become a favorite practice of mine for stress relief. The solid, natural material promotes alignment and helps maintain focus during sessions. It’s a simple yet effective tool to enhance relaxation, allowing me to deepen my meditation while reducing tension in both mind and body.post acute care Studio City 
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