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#SendGoodVibes Collective Healing Space on Twitter and Facebook

SendGoodVibes Collective Healing Space on Twitter and Facebook
The world may seem like a scary place recently. With so much violence and loss of innocent life, it is easy to lose sight of the good that is happening.

In order to do our part to bring some light to the darkness, we have created a space on both Twitter and Facebook to gather together and send healing LifeParticles to each other and the world.

Inspired by the distance healing exercises in the movie “CHANGE: The LifeParticle Effect”, we will be practicing collective healing using LifeParticle meditation and good vibes! Collectively, we can make a change!

Consider this space to always be there for you to request some healing vibes for yourself or others. There is nothing too small and nothing too serious that we can’t help with some collective positivity - so don’t be shy. If you prefer to submit your request privately, you can send it here!

How to Participate on Twitter:

  1. Log in to your Twitter
  2. Follow @ChangeEnergyNow
  3. Search the hashtag #SendGoodVibes
  4. Ask for some good vibes or send good vibes by tweeting with both @changeenergynow and #SendGoodVibes.

How to Participate on Facebook:

  1. Join the group "#SendGoodVibes Community
  2. Ask for some good vibes by posting your request in the group

Join the conversation to help us collectively heal the world with positive energy. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share this space with your loved ones so they can participate as well.

Note: This is not proposing a cure or a means of medical treatment. It is simply positivity collected and sent to a specific need in support.

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
2 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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#SendGoodVibes to Paris, Syria, and US💝💝💝
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i have dislocated my right shoulder 11/16/15  i am in phoenix az  70 year female  thanks for any help
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#SendGoodVibes to Catherine 's shoulder! breathe deeply and recieve healing!!💝💝💝
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Thanks for participating, Catherine. We are sending you healing LifeParticle to speed up your recovery and manage your pain level. I hope you begin to regain full mobility soon! Please keep us updated on your journey!
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