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Dr. Beauty Swe on Solar Body Method and Patient Care

Dr Beauty Swe on Solar Body Method and Patient Care

As a physician, Dr. Swe is passionate about helping her patients learn how to take care of their mind, body and brain in harmony with the wisest healer of all time, the human body itself.

Dr. Beauty Swe maintains a private practice in Internal Medicine in Los Angeles and is a resident teacher at the University Southern California School of Medicine. Her passion is to help heal and educate people about the benefits of the Solar Body method wherever and whenever she meets them.

CYE: How did you first hear about the Solar Body?

Dr. Swe: My private practice requires sometimes 16 hours of my day. I was looking for a way to increase my stamina. I was already a marathon runner and avid swimmer, but those activities spend energy. I wanted more energy, to be able to give my best to my patients. I learned about Solar Body when I was visiting Sedona, Arizona for the Bird of the Soul training with ILchi Lee last June.

CYE: What has been your experience since doing your Solar Body exercises?

Dr. Swe: I had serious sleep apnea for five and a half years. If I didn't use my CPAP machine at night, the next day I was fatigued physically and mentally. It took me only two months of diligently doing Solar Body practices to get off the CPAP. After practicing the Solar Body Method, I am so amazed at how my brain, body and energy level has jumped twenty-fold. The energy it's given me I use to really focus on my patients' needs. Another bonus benefit is, I lost 25 pounds without even trying. I believe I lost weight because I concentrate on every move I make while doing the plate balancing exercise, toe tapping and brain vibration. That level of concentration burns a lot of calories!

CYE: What were some other benefits?

Dr. Swe: I have been visiting my home country, Burma, for 24 years. It is a 14-hour time difference and I have always dreaded the usual jet lag. This time, I was able to make the 23 hour flight to Myanmar without having jet lag. I was amazed!

CYE: What made the difference for you on this flight?

Dr. Swe: I practiced all the teachings of Body & Brain yoga and the Solar Body method. The stretches, the mindfulness, the breathing, and the eating habits. I practiced them all throughout my stay in Burma. I used the walking energy meditation practice I was taught, called “Jang Saeng” during the flight. I walked in the plane whenever I could. For the first time making this trip home, my health remained good. I actually was able to enjoy the flight back to the United States. Of course “toe tapping” while seated was a must.

CYE: You also shared your Solar Body training with people in your home country. What was that like?

Dr. Swe: I not only counseled and taught my family and friends, I went to the poorer sections of my country and taught there. I also appeared on a show at my local TV station and talked about Solar Body. As an Internal Medicine doctor, I was able to counsel and explain the value of “10-10-10” and give practical advice as well as demonstrate the training.

CYE: “10-10-10” is part of the signature training for people who want to experience their body's energy, and organize it in a way that will give them health, clarity and peace of mind. Did you have trouble explaining that to people?

Dr. Swe: No, because they experienced the changes in their body for themselves. They didn't need any convincing from me. This practice recommends itself!

CYE: How do your patients benefit from your Solar Body "prescriptions?"

Dr. Swe: I find that my older patients, many of whom have come to me with arthritis or bad knees, are able to go back to their gardening. My middle-aged patients, who have back pain, sit at their computer for long periods, or are even on worker's disability. From doing the movements of Solar Body exercises, they are off their pain medications because their joints and muscles have become more flexible. It's been wonderful for my fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is so difficult to treat conventionally because there is so much constant pain. Yet, my patients who practice energy yoga are down to a minimum or no pain meds. And, my patients who were depressed, their symptoms have greatly improved.

CYE: Is it easy for you to explain to people what a "Solar Body" means? What do your colleagues think of your newfound healing techniques?

Dr. Swe: Yes it is quite easy for me to explain what a "Solar Body" means. Developing a solar body is to recover the infinite energy and healing power that all of us have within us, making us healthy in body and mind. Also, it is about sharing with others about this method. My colleagues think this is a great way to help heal our patients and I'm referring The Solar Body book to them to give them a better understanding.

CYE: Is your Solar Body a permanent condition now?

Dr. Swe: Oh, yes! Maintaining the energy level I need is second nature to me now. I practice the “plate exercise” ten minutes daily. This practice has helped me physically, mentally and spiritually. It is better than any anti-depressant medicine.

Dr. Beauty Swe has already sent 25 of her patients to Body & Brain Centers. She knows she has what she needs to make a difference in the world. “I believe my visit home to Myanmar was a huge success. I am full of gratitude for all I learned from my Solar Body practices and Ilchi Lee’s spirit. Now my whole country will benefit.”

Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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I love reading and I agree with Dr beauty , what a way to help ourself & others to achieve maximum health & be free of pain
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