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Ask Ilchi Lee
Ilchi Lee

Visionary, entrepreneur, mind-body expert, New York Times bestselling author, and creator of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee will be answering your questions.

Ilchi Lee offers insight from 37 years of experience in guiding people to develop their mind, body and spirit in a way that will help you see beyond your unconscious patterns and tune into the voice of your inner wisdom.

We welcome questions from a range of topics and kindly ask that you come from an authentic place of seeking growth and expansion.

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Topic: Relationship      Comments: 6660

Spiritual Growth and Relationships

How can two people on the same path stay together but not be attached, especially when the relationship started during a time of deep desire for security, recognition, and comfort? more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

The answer is in your brain, so I hope you can utilize your brain well. more >

Topic: Life Purpose      Comments: 0

Soul's Life Purpose

How long does it take someone to find one’s soul purpose? more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

It will take as long as it takes you to meet and feel your soul, because these two things are actually one. You will know your soul’s purpose when you meet and feel your soul. more >

Topic: Finance      Comments: 7

How does one step into the flow of abundance?

How does one step into the flow of abundance? What kind of mind, belief, and language must one have to develop a good relationship with money? more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

What is the reason you want to be abundant? I invite you to write down exactly why you seek abundance. With a sincere mind, ask your brain if abundance is something you just want or if you have an earnest mind to make abundance happen in your life right now. more >

Topic: Spirituality      Comments: 3689

When will good completely triumph over evil?

Why is there suffering and abuse in the world? When exactly will the good force triumph and bad forces disappear? more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

As many of the Enlightened saints and sages have already said, Life itself is Suffering, Impermanent, and Nothing. This is the most fundamental principle of Tao. more >

Topic: Spirituality      Comments: 3

Is it possible to have more than one spiritual guide in life?

Is it possible to have more than one spiritual guide in life? I thought I had once met my spiritual guide, only to get to know of another. more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

Make a bold choice for your soul’s growth and completion. My advice is that the first and foremost thing that you do is recover your human character and make it bright. more >

Topic: Sexuality      Comments: 4

Married or single for enlightenment

Is there a specific path one who seeks Enlightenment should follow in regards to sexuality? Can someone stay single but still have sexual relations before and after Enlightenment? Or should someone get married and start a family? Is there a natural law for this issue of sexuality? more >

Answered by Ilchi Lee

I want to ask you a question. Do you have a sincere mind to attain Enlightenment? Are you ready for the Enlightenment that you seek? more >
Ask Ilchi Lee Disclaimer

Ask Ilchi Lee is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. The use of Ask Ilchi Lee is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. Ilchi Q&A consists of self-help coaching techniques and tools and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.
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