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Topic: Spirituality      Comments: 3   Ashley Lacour

Is it possible to have more than one spiritual guide in life?

Is it possible to have more than one spiritual guide in life? I thought I had once met my spiritual guide, only to get to know of another. How can I best utilize the relationship, holding to that most sacred of energy line connecting me to the "Source" in order to advance my spiritual growth? Do I follow this path or that path? This practice or that practice? No matter how intent I am, there remains confusion and doubt in me that pulls on my strings.

Answered by Ilchi Lee

Everything is up to you. Make an honest and bold choice for your soul’s growth and completion. The first and foremost thing that you do is recover your human character and make it bright. When I talk about “human character,” I mean the original essence of Source energy that you were born with. Brightness and purity is the original essence and character of every human being. However, through various environmental and educational factors in life, we lose the light of our original essence and live by the values, thoughts, and emotions that society has placed on us. Yet still inside of you, you have pure value that is brighter than the sun and more beautiful than nature itself. I hope you can feel and keep growing that light within through deep meditation. This brightness will heal any fear, shame, or darkness that you may currently carry, and it will help you make a free and bold choice to fill your surroundings with healing energy. I send you bright energy of the LifeParticle sun for your brilliant and shining human character.
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Ask Ilchi Lee is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. The use of Ask Ilchi Lee is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. Ask Ilchi Lee consists of self-help coaching techniques and tools and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.

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