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Letting Go of the Old to Make Room for the New

Letting Go of the Old to Make Room for the New
Spring is a beautiful time of renewal for everyone. It provides an opportunity to refresh yourself after winter, to clear out the old and allow the new to sprout. We clean our houses and our yards, and I recommend cleaning our energy as well. To be thorough, it's best to clean the energies in three aspects of ourselves—the physical, mental, and spiritual.

Clearing Your Physical Energy

Many of us want to make changes in our physical body—our appearance, our health, or our energy levels. Letting go of tensions held within the body, which is essentially stagnant energy, will help make the process of achieving these goals much easier.

To help release tension from the body, I first recommend breathing and deep relaxation exercises. Start by lying down on your back on a firm, flat surface that is comfortable but that won’t cause you to fall asleep. Then, with your arms slightly away from your body and your palms up, begin to scan down your body, head to toe, noticing where you are holding tension.

Breathe in through your nose, filling your chest slowly with air, and then exhale through your mouth as you relax your body completely, more and more deeply with each exhalation. Keep a normal, relaxed breathing rhythm without holding your breath. Continue to scan your body as you breathe. If you notice a body part holding tension, focus your attention on that area, imagining energy flooding in as the area becomes more and more relaxed.

Clearing Your Mental Energy

Letting go of negative emotions held as conscious and unconscious memories in the mind is critical for any kind of change in your life since negative patterns and habits often have mental and emotional roots.

To begin, take a mental inventory of what you have been holding on to emotionally. Is there some hurt from the past that you keep returning to in your mind? Do you feel angry or sad about something that happened last year or even longer ago? If so, it is time to let the past be the past and to come back to the present. Essentially, you are wasting the energy you need today on old, irrelevant events if you can’t let go of them.

For this, I recommend some visualization exercises. First, make sure you are completely relaxed, perhaps by using the breathing and relaxation exercise mentioned above. Then, sit comfortably either in a chair with your arms to the side or in a traditional meditation posture, such as a half lotus posture. With your eyes closed, imagine yourself walking along a path in a forest with a large backpack and several packages tucked under your arms. These burdens are full of all your held emotions—old resentments, jealousies, sadness, and so forth. You can even name them in your mind: “The backpack holds my childhood hurts,” “That package is my loneliness,” and so on.

Now, imagine a bright energy coming into you body from the sun, penetrating the top of your head and infusing all your body. As more and more energy enters your body, the stronger you feel and the lighter your burdens become. One by one, the burdens drop to the ground as you let go of them, saying to yourself, “This emotion is now in the past and only in the past,” as each one falls. You are now free and refreshed.

Clearing Your Spiritual Energy

Clearing your spiritual energy is about letting go of information that is false or counterproductive to your growth. This may include preconceptions, beliefs, and biases that cause you to behave in opposition to your own true self or soul.

The goal is to reestablish the bright energy of your soul, which is always there but may be hidden behind such information. To do this, start with the two relaxation and visualization exercises above, and then add the following visualization.

Begin by sitting comfortably in a chair or in a traditional meditation posture, as you did for the second exercise above, the mental clearing visualization. Sit up straight to form a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your spine. As you breathe comfortably, imagine a beam of light coming down from heaven, like a ray of sunshine, directly into the top of your head. Visualize your brain lighting up with bright energy as the dark energy of the unhelpful information is whisked away with each exhalation. As you brain grows brighter and brighter, it lights up the entire world.

Make a Clean Energy Habit

Just like any change, clarifying your energy takes time and practice. Without regular maintenance, your energy will tend to go back to its old state. Tension will return to the body, negative emotions will linger in the mind, and your soul’s brightness will be hidden away. But don’t forget that your energy is the basis of all you do; it guides your decisions, affects your interactions with others, and regulates your power to effect change in the world. For that reason, it’s important to observe your own energy regularly and to find ways to clarify your energy by letting go of anything that bogs you down.

Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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Your blog on clearing energy for renewal resonates deeply with me, especially as we embrace the season of spring. Your guidance on addressing physical, mental, and spiritual energies is invaluable for fostering holistic well-being.

The exercises you suggest for releasing tension from the body and letting go of negative emotions held in the mind are practical and accessible. I appreciate the emphasis on relaxation and visualization techniques to facilitate this process effectively.

Furthermore, your advice on clearing spiritual energy by letting go of false beliefs and biases is enlightening. The visualization of bright energy infusing the soul is a powerful image, reminding us of our innate potential for growth and transformation.

Your reminder to make clearing energy a regular practice is a crucial takeaway. Just as we maintain physical hygiene, nurturing our energy is essential for overall vitality and fulfillment.

Thank you for sharing these insightful practices for renewal and rejuvenation. I look forward to incorporating them into my routine for a fresh start this spring.

Warm regards,
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