The human body is a magical place but it is also one of much mystery. In order to better understand our health and the behavior of our organs, it is important to demystify the human body and shed some light on the myths surrounding one of our most vital organs: the kidneys.
We chose the 3 most common myths regarding kidney health and debunked them to help you reach optimum health.
Myth #1: Drinking a Lot of Water Will Cleanse Toxins From the Kidneys
While it is very important to
stay hydrated and drink water throughout the day, there is a delicate balance, a “sweet spot” if you will. Too little water, and the body isn’t hydrated and can’t flush toxins, regulate temperature or digest food well. Too much water and the body is drained of important nutrients and you are running to the bathroom every hour with little to no health benefits.
More water in the body does not necessarily mean that the kidneys will perform better or that the body will have less toxins.
Depending on your body weight, it is recommended to drink between 4-8 cups (roughly 30-60 ounces) per day. If you live in an extremely dry climate, are ill, or you notice your body not producing as much saliva/sweat, drink more than the recommended amount.
Myth #2: Kidney Stones Form Due to a Diet High in Calcium, Coffee, Tea & Alcohol, and Cannot Be Dissolved
Although it is true that kidney stones are made of calcium (tiny calcium deposits from hell you may call them), what isn’t true is that they are caused by a diet high in calcium. It is actually quite the opposite. A diet lacking calcium causes the calcium that is in the body to collect and form painful kidney stones; along with the help of other minerals.
Don’t avoid calcium, rather, get the suggested amount of calcium
through your food not supplements.
In terms of beverages, stones are not formed from coffee or tea, and the preventative effect of the water in both drinks overwhelms the potential of kidney stones forming in the bladder. While it is widely known that alcohol, when consumed in excessive amounts, is detrimental to liver health, the kidneys are actually not affected by it.
Coffee, tea and
some alcohol is actually good for you, but all in moderation. These beverages can be powerful antioxidants when consumed mindfully and not abused.
If stones do occur, passing a hard, crystallized object through an already delicate area is just about the worst thing imaginable. But there is hope!
With a regimen of organic lemon juice, organic olive oil and organic, raw apple cider vinegar, you can dissolve smaller kidney stones and pass them with little to no pain at all. The acid of the lemon and apple cider vinegar (turned alkaline in the body) will break down the minerals of the stones and help to cleanse the toxins of the kidneys.
If you are prone to kidney stones, preventative maintenance is crucial.
Start the day with a glass of juice from half a lemon and water.
Myth #3: Kidney Diseases Can’t Be Prevented
Unlike heart diseases, kidney diseases can be rather deceptive. The kidneys are difficult to sense unless something is wrong and physical symptoms are subtle. It is reported that 1 in 3 American adults is at risk for kidney disease or infection. Major risk factors include, diabetes, high blood pressure, prescription medication, age and family history. While the last two factors cannot necessarily be prevented, the former surely can.
Preventative measures include drinking lemon juice with water (as mentioned above), staying properly hydrated, regular exercise,
mind-body exercises targeted to the kidneys, a balanced diet, reduce salt intake, avoid long-term use of NSAIDs or other prescription medication, and lowering high blood pressure.
Knowledge is power, and arming yourself with knowledge that could potentially save your life or the lives of loved ones is invaluable. Through proper care, a
strong mind/body connection and paying attention to slight changes in your body, you can detect imbalances early on and prevent serious problems down the road.
To learn more about your kidneys and caring for them, attend a free workshop at any
Body & Brain Yoga & Tai-chi center throughout the entire month of March!
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