A lively crowd of approximately 300 people attended the Healthy Gut Happy Brain workshop with Ilchi Lee and Dr. Emeran Mayer last Sunday, September 18, 2016 at the Moseley-Salvatore Conference Center in Los Angeles, CA. Some of the audience came as far away as San Francisco, San Diego, and even Arizona to this event organized by ChangeYourEnergy.com and the Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi centers in the Los Angeles area.
In addition to the informative and interactive talks, guests enjoyed several booths outside the lecture hall where they could receive aura readings, brain activity readings, and more information about Body & Brain classes and programs. They were also able to purchase Ilchi Lee's or Dr. Emeran Mayer's latest books,
Earth Management and
The Mind-Gut Connection, respectively, in addition to
Belly Button Healing Kits.
Before the lectures began, one Body & Brain instructor took the stage and led the audience in stretches and Belly Button Healing with the Healing Life wand.
Then, Dr. Mayer shared some of the results of his extensive research on mind-gut interaction, especially the effects of the microbes living in the gut and their influence on emotions.
Ilchi Lee stressed not getting caught up in emotion, and, in his lighthearted talk, demonstrated how his latest mind-body method, Belly Button Healing, reduced stress and increased concentration.
These effects, as well as a stabilization of brain wave frequencies and a balancing of right and left hemisphere activity were shown in real time by a Smart Brain device developed by the Korea Institute of Brain Science and administered by researcher Hyungchul Noh, who flew in from South Korea especially for the event. Four volunteers individually came up to the stage to have their brain activity read before and after Belly Button Healing.
The entire event was broadcast live on Ilchi Lee's Facebook page. It was watched online by about 3500 people.
Both experts gave the many people watching greater insight into changes they could make in their lives to better manage their brain to increase their health and happiness.