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The New Humanity Pledge

The New Humanity Pledge
Recently, I have been asking people to consider taking the New Humanity Pledge. This pledge is just one simple sentence:

"I pledge to become part of a New Humanity and to make creating coexistence on earth my personal responsibility and priority."

My hope is that we can unify people through this statement and then make real progress toward creating a better world. But the pledge is useless if it is misunderstood or spoken without complete sincerity. It must bring change to the consciousness of those who commit to it, or it will not have the power to make any real change in the world. Here is the clear intention behind each part of the New Human Pledge:

"I pledge to become part of a New Humanity . . ."

If you agree to this part of the pledge, you agree to a new way of living on this earth, to becoming a new kind of human. Humans have lived in ways that best suited their survival and immediate cultural groups for millennia. This way of life has meant many conflicts, often violent, between individuals and groups as they compete for power and resources. And we have viewed the earth as a resource to be plundered for our own gain. While these tendencies may have served us once, they no longer work for humanity or the planet. We have developed weapons that make war a threat to all humanity, and our collective way of life is throwing the planet into a state of imbalance. Something must change—for ourselves, for other living creatures, and for the earth itself.

Many people already know that we face big problems and that some change must happen. However, the problem is that human society is stuck in its old patterns, and that change can be uncomfortable or even risky. Change can only happen if individual people have the courage to commit to change and to become a new kind of person. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” By pledging, you are promising to commit yourself to this change.

“. . . and to make creating coexistence on earth . . .”

This is the call-to-action part of the New Humanity Pledge. It is not enough to believe that change is necessary; you must act toward that change and create something. More specifically, you are committing to creating coexistence, which I discuss in detail in my book The Art of Coexistence: How You and I Can Save the World. For this part of the pledge, I recommend you meditate on this and ask your soul what it wants you to do with your life to make a better world. From this, you can create a vision for your life, a grand goal serving the world, and your greatest possible growth.

“. . . my personal responsibility and priority.”

This part of the pledge is the most important for changing our collective consciousness about humanity’s problems. Already, there are lots of people who want change, but few people take actual responsibility for making the change happen. It is very comfortable to think that politicians, other generations, scientists, or other authority figures are the ones who should find the answers. By promising to make creating a New Humanity your “personal responsibility and priority,” you can no longer say, “maybe one day when I am not so busy,” or “I’ll wait and see what happens.” Making change happen is your responsibility, like paying the bills or caring for your child; it is not a luxury or a hobby. And it is your priority, meaning you think about it and take action for it every day.

Moving Forward with a New Heart

All this being said, I do not intend to make this a heavy burden for you in any way. On the contrary, this is a very joyous pledge that will bind you to other like-minded people who want to make a difference in this world. As you seek your vision, find the thing that will bring happiness to you and energy to every step you take. If you take this pledge into your heart and hold it there, you will feel your connection to all humanity and to a better future that has yet to be born, a future you will help create.

If you would like to join other like-minded people in taking The New Humanity Pledge, go to NewHumanityPledge.org and share it with others.
Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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