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'Change' Is Here: Groundbreaking Documentary Makes World Premiere

Change Is Here Groundbreaking Documentary Makes World Premiere
Sedona, Ariz.— As the lights dimmed at the Sedona Creative Life Center, the movie screen at the front of the room came alive with over a year’s worth of planning and effort. April 16 marked the world-premiere of Change: The LifeParticle Effect, the groundbreaking documentary from LifeParticle TV and Ilchi Lee.

Exploring the relationship between consciousness and matter, Change offers enlightening new perspectives that combine the science of modern physics and neuroscience with energetic Eastern teachings on mind/body awareness and healing.

In addition to explaining the theories behind LifeParticles, Change also shows the practicality of integrating the practice into daily life. Throughout the film, the audience follows the experiences of nine people new to the concept of LifeParticles. They participate in theoretical lessons and physical demonstrations and share their insights in interviews, including follow-up interviews conducted after months of continued practice.

Ilchi Lee, Change PremiereTwo hundred fifty people attended the premiere, including Executive Producer, Ilchi Lee. Lee, a meditation expert, introduced the practice of LifeParticle meditation into modern culture, adapting ancient Korean techniques of Sundo to his own experiences with meditation and energy principles. After the screening, Lee addressed the crowd.

“If you want to experience a big change, then you have to detach yourself from your current reality. It’s really hard to do,” he said. “But enlightenment comes from the smallest opportunities. And today, the fact that you saw this film, you grabbed hold of that opportunity.”

A catered reception before the premiere gave audience members, filmmakers, and those pictured in the film a chance to mingle and share their experiences. As testament to the deep community bonds among those present, the catering staff were all volunteers from the Sedona Meditation Center.

The Sedona Meditation Center, a project of the Dahn Yoga Foundation, helped sponsor the premiere. The Meditation Center offers classes in the unique style of yoga and meditation that stems from the same ancient Korean principles that inform the documentary.

But the significance of Change reaches far beyond the Dahn Yoga and LifeParticle communities. “We are so proud of you on the premiere of this important and timely film,” says Patrick Schweiss, Executive Director of the Sedona International Film Festival. “Thank you for helping raise the consciousness of the world through film and opening our minds to change.”

In order to help elevate consciousness far and wide, Change will embark on a nationwide, 100-city tour.

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