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Manage Your Energy to Express Your True Self

Manage Your Energy to Express Your True Self
When you’ve learned to manage your energy through consistently making it positive through simple meditative practices, something special happens. A strong and pure energy begins to come out of you. You may have glimpsed it before, but with energy management, it becomes stronger until it is the dominant energy in your body. This energy is your true self and your conscience, the energy of the source of life. It is love, oneness, creativity, and infinite potential. We all have it inside, waiting to come out.

The more time you spend in a positive and hopeful energy state, the more this energy emerges from your chakras and the more it is expressed in your thoughts, words, and actions. When you change your energy, your thoughts, words, and actions automatically change as well. They come from your conscience and become wise, creative, and authentic.

Naturally, the quality of your life will then express this true self energy. Part of the reason is that your actions will express it, and therefore create different reactions and results in your life. But another part is that your mind will expect it, and that the energy itself will be strong and abundant enough to overflow to the people and situations around you. The flow of energy from your mind, body, and actions will stimulate the same energy in others, allowing more of their own true self energy to shine and affect their consciousness. This energy can eventually permeate your whole life.

What happens when your conscience is fully and naturally expressed like this? “We” becomes more important than “I,” personal growth becomes more important than competition, and positive solutions that benefit everyone become more important than being right. Unconditional love becomes the driving force behind everything.

Does this sound like a beautiful dream that could never become reality? Perhaps it is. However, that dream is something I’ve experienced in my own life and something I’ve been endlessly trying to help other people experience. I believe that when enough people manage their energy and express their true self, the whole world will thrive.
Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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Thank you for showing us how to achieve unconditional love, thank you for guiding us to manage our energy & EXPRESS OUR TRUE SELF!
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Personal Growth is so empowering and healing for everyone! Thank you for spreading this information and sharing your discoveries!
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