"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." Thomas Carlyle
Week 1: Hope
Welcome back. Today is another beautiful day. Whether it is cloudy or sunny, cold or hot, it is another opportunity to activate change. Another opportunity to create the life you want.
If forgiveness is key to action and freedom, it is because of the energy of love. It is natural to have trouble forgiving yourself or anyone else. However, if you can recognize that at the core we all want love, you can find the strength to forgive.
"Love" is a word that is used freely, but few people can easily say the words "I love you." Why is that? Maybe the expression of those words, even to yourself in a mirror, opens up a well of vulnerability.
The need to love and be loved seems universal, but because of the accompanying vulnerability many have devised ways to ignore or overcompensate for this need. Take a deeper look at the change you want to make in your life. In what way does this change indicate a desire or need for love?
Even if we are not actively looking for love, we can all use a little more love in our lives. Take some time to express yourself. Make a list of examples of love in your life and discover how much you already have. You will see how the things that you are seeking for yourself are already here.
Yesterday, you cultivated forgiveness and practiced loving yourself. Today, let's practice doing something loving for someone else. The energy of love surrounds you, in all ways and at all times. Because it is always in you! Access it by giving love away.
Find a nice quiet place to sit, whether on the floor or in a chair. Keep your spine straight, especially your lower back. Relax your shoulders. Place one hand over the center of your chest.
Pick up your LifeParticle Card (or find a digital version at
ChangeYourEnergy.com); take 30 seconds to look at the LifeParticle Sun. This will help you shift your focus to what you want to achieve.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Imagine releasing the air through the place on your chest your hand is touching. In your mind, or out loud, say the words "I accept you."
Keep breathing like this and continue to repeat the words "I accept you". Feel your body become more relaxed with each exhalation and feel a sense of acceptance for yourself. Do this for 2 minutes.
Finish by clasping your hands behind your back. Inhale, pull your shoulders back and open up your chest. Gradually relax your shoulders as you exhale. Do this 3 times and enjoy a lighter, more relaxed feeling.
Now say the weekly affirmation out loud. If possible, look at yourself in the mirror.
“In every day, in every way, I am changing and growing. I can choose to make it better!”
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2014 New Year’s Resolution Challenge!
Important Practice Tips
In just 21 days, you can unlock your hidden potential and transform your habits for a more fulfilled life. With a simple combination of daily inspiration, meditation, breathing exercises and affirmations, you can achieve your goals and create the life you really want.
Try to meditate at the same time every day:
Please remember that meditation involves your body and mind. Both will respond best to a consistent practice at a regular time. You will have better results if you do this around the same time every day.
Be patient with the Healing Process:
These 21 days will be process of self-healing. The healing process means that some emotional items you identify and release may seem to intensify as you are releasing them.
Also, there may be subtle physical reactions to the emotional release such as unexpected exhaustion or mild achiness.
This message is not intended as medical advice, so please consult your healthcare practitioner with any health concerns.