How to Join This Class
First, reserve your spot. We'll be sending an email with the link to join an hour before the class starts on the scheduled day, so look out for an email in your inbox (or your Promotions or Spam box).
Second, you’ll be able to enter the class 10 minutes before the starting time. If you try to access the class before then, you'll see a green button that says [Reserve Your Spot] or [We've Saved Your Spot]. Refresh 10 minutes before the start time for the live classroom link. You will see the [Enter Here] red button to access.

Third, after you enter you will see it loads a 3rd party app called “Zoom.” This is the video conferencing platform we use for our live classes. If it’s your first time you’re using from a desktop computer, you’ll need to download a small application file, zoom_launcher.exe. This process is easy to complete on all commonly used browsers. Click it to download and set up or wait for it to auto-download. Just before entering the meeting, you will be prompted to enter a email address and display name.
If you’re using a mobile device, you’ll need to download a free app called “Zoom Cloud Meetings” from your app store. After downloading it, input the meeting ID which we provide in the email to join.
Our live classes are compatible to watch on any device.
For any additional questions, contact us at or call (928) 239-4002. We are open Mon-Fri from 9am-6pm MT.
See you online!