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5 Benefits of Being Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian

5 Benefits of Being LactoOvo Vegetarian
A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is a typical plant-based diet that excludes animal products like meat, seafood, and fish, including dairy products and eggs. This term could be expounded by splitting it into two words: lacto that refers to milk, and ovo, which relates to eggs. Many people choose to change their life and try this type of diet for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. Their choice can also be the product of the interest of numerous campaigns fighting for animal rights. If this type of diet interests you, we present some of the benefits of the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet:

Healthy Weight Loss

We heard from people from weight loss clinic Chicago that being a lacto-ovo vegetarian may improve the weight loss process. Vegetarian diets are primarily high in fiber and low in calories, which can guarantee the feeling of fullness and prevent overeating during the day, which is the reason why it's recommended to people with eating disorders.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Nowadays, there are more processed foods in the markets. Eating processed and non-organic meat, especially the red one, can increase the chances of forming diseases like cancer. Some professionals say that starting a vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of various cancers. Having fresh fruit and vegetables with a lot of protein and fibers but fewer calories in the diet may decrease the chances of developing cancer in the future. If you are an omnivore, think about vegetarianism.

Preventing Diabetes Type 2

Ejection of meat from your diet can help you eliminate additional fats and trans fats from the body. Also, the fiber found in plants that vegetarians consume regularly may impact blood sugar control. People with elevated glucose levels may see the improvement while consuming green leafy vegetables or nuts and legumes and various fruits with plant protein and well-balanced dairy products. If you have a hormone imbalance or risk of forming diabetes in the near future, consider becoming a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

Improves Heart Health

Lacto-ovo vegetarians have a minor chance of getting cardiovascular diseases. Diet rich in good fats and proteins, with high-quality nutrients, promotes good cholesterol and reduces harmful cholesterol levels. By excluding meat from the diet, you are possibly lowering the chances of building up the plaque made of fats and some carbs. Those buildups are forming over time in arteries and cause heart diseases. It's proven that balancing animal products can improve blood vessel health and reduce blood pressure as well.

Environmental Impact

As we mentioned earlier, some people choose to become lacto-ovo vegetarians or to exclude meat and animal products in general because they say it's better for the planet. Also, by eliminating meat from our diets, there is the chance to stop or just lower the effect of global warming. On the other hand, respecting animals and their rights could also be the reason why there are so many newbie vegetarians lately. When consuming only dairy products and eggs, there is no need to kill many animals for the skin, fur, or meat. But some vegans or animal rights activists don't think the same, so there is a constant polemic on social media. Either way, choosing a different type of diet may change your life drastically. After all, if you are not ready to give up on meat, an outstanding calorie balance and diet plan should do the job.

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