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Discovering Your True Self: The Key to Self-Healing

Discovering Your True Self The Key to SelfHealing
Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life, despite having everything you thought you needed? Many of us go through life carrying emotional burdens, replaying negative self-talk, and viewing the world as a battlefield. We build walls to protect ourselves, but these same walls keep us from experiencing true joy and aliveness.

The path to self-healing lies in reconnecting with our True Self—that pure, bright essence within us that remains untainted by life's experiences, unclouded by the ego. To reconnect with this True Self, we must clear out the emotional clutter that covers our heart space, creating room for the light within to shine through.

The First Step to Healing

Your heart is a boundless, infinitely expandable space capable of embracing anything. Yet, when unresolved emotions and past experiences stagnate inside, this space becomes constricted and closed off.

How do we start to open again? It begins with being fully present in your body, anchoring yourself in the now. Practices like Body Tapping can help activate your energy, sensitizing your body and allowing suppressed blockages to surface. This process might bring up past pains and buried memories, but facing these is crucial for healing.

Recognizing Self-Imposed Barriers

As you become more present, you may realize that the barriers to your openness aren't external circumstances or other people; they're of your own making. This revelation can be both challenging and liberating. You begin to see that the walls you built for protection were actually keeping you trapped, cutting you off from others and the world.

At this crossroads, you face a critical decision: Do you continue living within these self-imposed limitations, or do you choose change and healing? Opting for truth over the comfort of the familiar marks a significant breakthrough in your journey. This decision to change is one you'll face repeatedly throughout life; it's how you evolve personally and spiritually. So when you find yourself at another crossroads, facing the decision to stay as you are or to change, don’t think there’s anything wrong. This is exactly what you are here to experience.

A Love Beyond Words

When you finally connect with your True Self, you discover a love that's beyond words. It’s expansive, boundless, and unconditional. When people experience this deep love that comes from meeting their True Selves, they often feel that no matter what has happened in the past or what is happening in the present, everything is simply okay.

"Everything's okay." This simple, reassuring phrase arises because true self-love eradicates all the fears we’ve created and provides a complete, unconditional sense of security. When we feel this secure, we are unafraid and unstoppable. It’s the most profound sense of safety we can give ourselves and the most potent environment where healing occurs.

From Self-Doubt to Self-Worth

Connecting with your True Self also shifts your perspective on self-worth. You realize that you're not lacking anything; you're already complete and invaluable, just as you are. This isn't something you learn through concepts; it's an inner recognition that comes when you have a lived experience with your True Self, through your senses and energy.

Love, Redefined

Perhaps most profoundly, meeting your True Self transforms your understanding of love. You discover that the love you've been seeking externally has been within you all along. You are, in essence, love itself. This realization allows love to flow freely from you without conditions, connecting you to something larger than yourself.

The journey to your true self isn't always easy, but it's infinitely rewarding. As you peel away the layers of emotional clutter and self-doubt, you uncover a wellspring of love, healing, and wholeness within. And remember, no matter what storms may come in life, the sun—your True Self—is always shining within you, waiting to be rediscovered.

A Path to True Self-Discovery

If you're ready to dive into self-healing and discovering your True Self, the Love Heals Practice Guide offers a practical, step-by-step approach. This 21-day guidebook, based on the powerful experiences shared in the LOVE HEALS documentary, provides daily exercises and insights to help you connect with your inner wisdom, release emotional blockages, and cultivate profound self-love.

Check out the Love Heals Practice Guide, because the journey to your True Self is uniquely yours, but you don't have to walk it alone.

Written by Kris Washington-Carroll
Kris is a loving, creative soul with a deep personal healing story. Mindbody practices, energy work and meditation changed her life back in 2006, and today, she’s inspired to share these tools with as many people as possible to help them live happier, healthier lives. In addition to writing, teaching, and coaching, Kris is also a visual artist with a passion for using art to uplift, inspire, heal and transform.
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It's comforting to know that I'm not alone and that there are ways to heal and reconnect with my True Self. The Love Heals Practice Guide sounds like a great resource!

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