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Wake Up and Pay Attention

Wake Up and Pay Attention
Are you sleeping through life? Or are you living it mindfully?

Your Brain Operating System (BOS) requires that you stay alert in order for your brain to be at its best.

Staying alert means catching the details as well as the big picture. It means seeing the opportunities that come your way so you have a chance to use them. And it means staying focused on your goals.

The best way to remain alert and attentive is for your consciousness to be present in each moment. The less it wanders to the past and the future, the more information your brain can take in about the now.

What is really happening at this moment? What are the nuances you need to catch? What is your mind doing? How is energy moving toward your goals? These are the questions you can answer when your mind’s resources remain in the present.

Also, when you are living and breathing mindfully, your ability to sense energy is enhanced. Sensing energy requires the relaxed focus you can only have in the moment.

When you are aware of the flow of energy within and around you, you notice whether and how energy is moving toward your goals. Then you can see and follow the flow of energy so you can move faster toward your destination.

You also notice synchronicities and opportunities that appear to help you along your way, as well as the new ideas that arise from the information in your brain.

For example, say you want to buy a house. You don’t have the ability to do so yet, but you make it a goal. For this big goal, you decide to save a certain amount of money. As soon as you make this decision, all of the different ways you can save money come to mind because you’re focusing on it.

If you keep paying attention to saving money, you’ll start to notice more and more ways to cut corners—cutting out spending money on things you don’t really need, using coupons you didn’t know you had, opening savings accounts with higher interest rates. They’ll come to you more frequently and more obviously than they had before you made your goal. And because you’re paying attention, you’re able to seize the opportunities they present and save the money you need.

Taking this scenario one step further, if you are able to sense energy, the opportunities that come into your awareness will not just be ideas, but will be accompanied by a pull, an obvious flow of energy that will direct you to the right choices for achieving your goal. Paying attention and staying in the moment will help you feel that flow.

At the same, you’ll sense energy building and accumulating in you. When the energy inside you fills to overflowing, then you’ll achieve your goal. With a lot of practice, you’ll always be full and therefore be able to manifest your goals rapidly and seamlessly.

The new ideas you get when you’re paying attention don’t just come from your life experience; they also arise from your increased access to the Universal Mind, which is the consciousness of all existence and non-existence put together. Our individual consciousness always has access to this Universal Mind, but we often don’t pay enough attention to it. We may only get flashes of insight that we may or may not choose to accept and use.

That’s the importance of keeping alert and attentive. It activates the highest potential of your brain so you can be your biggest self.
Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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