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Body Temperature and the Secret of 1 Degree

Body Temperature and the Secret of 1 Degree
Have you ever wondered why normal body temperature is 98.6F?

For most of us, a thermometer reading around 98.6 F (36.5 degrees Celsius) means a normal body temperature. Recently, two scientists had an idea why our bodies, as well as those of most other mammals like to run hotter than, say, cold blooded animals such as reptiles: A toasty body temperature helps keep nasty fungal infections at bay, they say.

Their study shows that the number of fungi that can thrive, and therefore infect, an animal declines by 6 percent for every 1.8 degree F (1 C) rise in temperature.

Just one degree makes a difference in how we handle our emotions too! Studies have shown, when we are happy or in love, our heat is distributed more evenly throughout our body. When we are angry, sad or depressed, we feel cold in our limbs and lower body. The difference between depletion and fulfillment, sadness and happiness, and negative and positive energy, it turns out, is a matter of just one degree Celsius. That's the secret of 1 degree!

Keeping warm increases circulation and regulates our hormones. Warmth makes it easier for us to move by keeping joints lubricated. It increases output of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and other naturally occurring feel-good hormones. Healthy body temperature keeps our circulatory, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems in balance. It creates a more hospitable environment overall that makes you happier to be alive; more motivated to be out exploring your world.

If our body temperature rises too much, we become fevered and can suffer discomfort. Our real well-being lies in just the right balance. When our body temperature drops by just one degree C, we can become irritable, cognitively impaired, depressed and more.

As Ilchi Lee explains in his upcoming book The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing, body heat, mindful breathing and mindful observation are a powerful combination for restoring balance.

The best state of body temperature balance, according to Ilchi Lee, is when we have a cool head and warm belly. This is the Water Up, Fire Down energy principle of good health. When our bodies are in an optimal temperature mix of cool and warm, it facilitates the functioning of all our organs and body systems, as well as maximizes brain vitality.

Ilchi Lee suggests that an outstanding way to raise or maintain optimal body temperature is through breathing and the three Solar Body Method exercises. Plate Spinning, Toe Tapping and Brain Wave Vibration.

Plate Balancing
Plate Balancing quickly warms the entire body. Your mind will become calmer and focused once you start balancing the plate in your hand as you rotate it over your head. Plate Balancing is especially helpful for joint pain, stiff shoulders and tight muscles.
Click here to watch the instructional video.

Toe Tapping
You can do Toe Tapping lying or sitting. The point of focus is your toes and is best done before going to sleep at night.
Click here to watch the instructional video.

Brain Wave Vibration
Brain Wave Vibration can be done with body tapping or on its own. It is an easy way to quickly clear away negative thoughts, revive after many hours sitting at a computer, and work out the kinks in your neck.
Click here to watch the instructional video.

These techniques will turn on your inner healer and put your health and happiness in the spotlight!
The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing will be available to purchase in May 2015.

Written by Kim Alyce Steffgen
With a background in journalism and marketing communications, Kim's wordsmithing reflects a love of language that brings spice to many ads, articles, banners, and videos. To that spice she adds her passion for herbs, plants and alternative health.
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