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Trust Your Brain to Unleash Its Creativity

Trust Your Brain to Unleash Its Creativity
Within your brain sleeps amazing powers beyond your reckoning. It contains infinite creativity. Your brain has great power to find paths you cannot see and create paths you cannot find. If you ask it to, your brain can do things you’ve never done, things you are unaware of.

Your brain, however, will not put forth its creative power if you set limits and only keep to those aspects of yourself that you have experienced and understood so far. In fact, most people live within the limits of the self they have experienced and known. They don’t know what they haven’t learned, are uninterested in things that are “none of their business,” and fear to attempt things outside the scope of their own knowledge and experience.

It is you, and no one else, who can erase the limitations in your brain. If you think, “These are my limits,” your brain will absolutely not try to work beyond them. “Ah, I only have to go this far,” you may think. Then you will only work up to that point. If, on one hand, you set your limits, but then, on the other hand, you try to go beyond them, it’s like driving a car with the parking brake engaged and then complaining about not being able to go as fast as you’d like.

Disengaging the break and expressing the infinite creativity of your brain requires faith in yourself. So believe in yourself. For many people, this may be more easily said than done. At such times, change your perspective slightly; try trusting your brain.

Your brain is designed to change endlessly. It adapts, rewires, and replaces itself based on its own feedback. New brain cells and neural circuits are created through novel stimulation and reaction to that stimulation. This is called neural plasticity. The essence of the brain is to change, accommodate, and grow.

Trusting your brain’s ability to adapt to novel situations will give you confidence—the first key to activating the brain’s full potential. Confidence creates the positive attitude you need to erase the limitations in your brain. A positive attitude responds flexibly to information, increasing the speed at which you change and grow.

Don’t let past mistakes bring you down. If you want to change, tell yourself: “That was my brain as it was in the past. Not now though. My brain can change.” The moment you acknowledge your past experiences without being ashamed of them, denying them, or making excuses for them, your brain opens circuits once completely blocked by stress, and starts creating new thoughts.

Your brain is ready to create a path you never thought you could take before. You just need to believe in its amazing ability and provide it with a direction to take by continuously making choices and by putting those choices into practice.

How have you trusted your brain? What direction do you you want your path to take?

Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
8 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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Another inspiring blog!   After reading this have I realized that I I was so accustomed to mistrust my brain(self).   I'll continue to tell my brain.  You are power brain!
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I will practice being a power brain!
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It takes regular practice to reap the benefits. Keep it going, John!
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I will trust my brain, I will let go all of my limitations and choose for new paths in my brain. Thank you, SSN.
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SSN thank you for the reminder to have faith in myself.   In my experience I first put up the blockage - I cannot do this.   To remove this all i need to do is trust/ have faith/ accept my limitless amount of courage and step forward.   When I  surrender to old habits and replace it with new pathways everything works as it should.  Again,  thank you.
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Trusting myself.  Breaking through limitations.  Tapping into infinite creativity.  Beautiful.
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It truly is a beautiful thing, John!
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This puts everything into perspective.  I clearly felt my parking brake on and the exhaustion I was creating. Then I exerted a lot of needless effort "trying to figure out" what was blocking me.  When I let go of my thinking in the midst of being totally engaged in what I was doing, a man stood before and in moments let me hear the words describing my choice and feel the actual locked in decree I had once made.  With that in hand, I turned to my practice to focus on staying in the feeling in my body and exhaling the old energies.  Things are noticeably different:  my doing is more like things just happening - new people are coming in front of me as I move bringing information that is expanding what I am doing and growing the possibilities exponentially. Life is getting easier and simplicity is getting less difficult.
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The release is a beautiful thing, Sandy. So happy you've been able to experience this and create real change in your life! Keep it up!
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Braintastic news!
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Great play on words, Ann
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I love this blog! It's especially important for those of us who have lived long enough to have developed a lot of self-limitations. Thank you so much for this powerful message!
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Thanks, Susan! I hope we have helped you release some of those limitations!
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