Our brains have infinite creativity, but in order to make use of it, we need to ask our brains questions ceaselessly. Otherwise, our brains will only
operate on information previously put into them and continue within the same small sphere. When we ask them new questions, our brains search for new information to answer them, opening up new possibilities. They come up with
integrated ideas that connect separate pieces of information in new ways.
Great human inventions have begun with questions. “I want to fly. I really want to fly! Is there a way to do it?” This led to many generations of people who experimented with aircraft. Today we can travel the world because these questions were asked.
Our brains are not only able to pull information from our past experience or resources such as the Internet. It can access the cosmic database, and information will come to you synergistically in various forms through various pathways. Imagination, ideas, thoughts, conversations with friends, telephone conversations, newspaper headlines, TV advertisements—all of these things will present you with messages concerning your queries.
Questioning brains find significance and importance in all of the information that surrounds them. They are able to see the answers that are in front of them. Unquestioning brains, however, are not even looking. They find information useless, regardless of how much data they are given.
The more truthful and earnest your question, the more passionately your brain moves in its quest for answers. If you sincerely want the answer, you will ask the right question.
Trust your brain and ask it to solve the challenges in your life. Your brain knows the answers.