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Bow & Arrow Meridian Exercise for a Strong Heart

Bow Arrow Meridian Exercise for a Strong Heart

There is a very intimate relationship between the energy flow within the body and our health. In addition to the 7 chakras, our energy system is also lined with meridians much like the earth.

The meridians in the body resemble an energy map of channels that transport life energy or Qi throughout the body. By stimulating these channels and increasing the healthy flow of heat, blood and energy, you can heal the body and the organs.

Today we are going to discuss the heart meridian, its influence on heart health and how to activate it so the flow of energy is strong and fluid.

Heart Meridian Chart It may come as no surprise that the heart meridian runs through the arms. Starting from the heart, the energy channel runs over to the armpits and down each arm, coming out on the inside of the little fingers.

The heart meridian is characterized by hot energy, so activating this healing channel is good to increase body heat and send warm, healing energy to the heart. This exercise, demonstrated in photos by energy healing master and CYE instructor Chungsuk, will help you sense, activate and clear blockages in the heart meridian.

“Shooting a Bow and Arrow”


  1. In a quiet and comfortable space, stand with your feet wide and your knees slightly bent.

  2. Cross your hands over each other about an inch apart, palms facing the chest, and hold them over your heart without touching the chest. Take a deep breath in and feel the energy of your heart.

  3. Slowly and mindfully raise your left hand above your head with the arm straight and palm facing to the side, away from you.

  4. Lower your right hand straight down and slightly behind you, also with the palm facing to the side.

  5. Bring both hands back in front of your heart.

  6. Slowly and fluidly extend the right arm straight out to the side with the hand flexed upwards, elbows slightly bent. Pull your left hand back toward the shoulder and keep it relaxed in a gentle fist. It should look and feel as if you are about to shoot an arrow from a bow.

  7. Stretch from both arms at the armpit as if you were creating more space in the socket between your arm and torso. Hold for a few seconds as you exhale tension and stagnant energy.

  8. Affirm aloud or in your mind: “I have unconditional love within. I am a passionate person. I have infinite healing power!”

  9. Relax and bring your arms back in front of your chest, and repeat on the other side.

Do this exercise 10 times on each side and allow the movement to be fluid and relaxed as if you were dancing. Pairing it with affirmations allows you to feel the infinite and unconditional love you have in your heart and sends positive messages to your brain to strengthen the mind/body connection.

Heart Meridian Exercise 1-2Heart Meridian Exercise 3 & 4Heart Meridian Exercise 5Heart Meridian Exercise 6

Through exercise and consciously focusing the mind on sending healing energy to the heart, you can improve circulation, lower blood pressure and prevent heart related illnesses.

There are many exercises you can do to stimulate the heart and all other meridian channels, this is just one from the course, Basic Meridian Healing.

Do you have a heart meridian exercise that you’ve found useful in turning up the heat? Please share with us in the comments below!

For the entire month of February, all Body & Brain Yoga centers are offering a LOVEly deal! For all new members, the special is buy one membership, get one 50% off. If you’re already a member of B&B and want to bring a loved one in on the healing, their membership fee is 50% off! Find a location near you and turn up the heat to heal!

The full course, “Basic Meridian Healing” with Chungsuk is available here.

Written by Morgan Garza
Morgan is a free spirit, world traveler and a lover of light. She loves to write about and research our inner healing power to help people realize their true potential. An avid practicer of yoga and meditation, Morgan is continuously evolving. She encourages all of us to follow our dreams by taking that first step into the unknown and truly practices what she preaches.
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Body & Brain Energy Exercise
By David Driscoll
Wed, Mar. 12, 7:00-8:00PM EST
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