My body is not me but mine.
My mind is not me but mine.
This is my philosophy for creating health, happiness, and peace. I want to share this philosophy with you who are searching for new hope and peace in 2017.
You can find the "you" that can say, "My body and mind are 'mine,' " yourself. Listen more often to what that "you" has to say and take more time to meet with it, because all the positive changes you hope for begin in encountering that "self."
Then, you can design and create your life autonomously, without being led about by the environment and conditions that surround you.
You can see hope and find a path forward in any difficulty, for that self has the power to choose and create everything for itself.
If you lose that self, you have no true satisfaction or happiness even though you live surrounded by good things.
Belly Button Healing every day to keep your connection with that self. During that time, focus solely on talking with the real you, without thinking about anything else at all.
Your true self knows everything and can do everything. New choices and changes will be created from that encounter with your self.
Those who meet their true selves become their own hope.
Those who discover hope within themselves can be hope for others, too.
By each of us living as our authentic selves, we can become the hope of the world.
I pray that 2017 will be a year full of health, happiness, and peace for all of you.
Ilchi Lee