When I was younger, I was by no means a morning person. If someone were to tell me that morning would be my favorite time of day in ten years, I probably would’ve laughed. However, years later when I began to wake up at 6am for work, I realized what I was missing out on all my life.
Morning is simply a beautiful time of day, one that I think no one should allow themselves to miss out on. The good news is, even if you aren’t a morning person right now, you can train yourself to be as I did, and start enjoying all the benefits of getting up super early. Today, I want to talk about some basic tips that will help you become a morning person by learning to appreciate everything a wonderful morning can give you.
Never Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also my favorite meal of the day, simply because of the fact that I’m never as hungry as I am in the morning. If you give your body a nice, healthy breakfast as early as possible, you’ll be filled with energy. Skip breakfast, and the only thing you’ll want to do is get back into bed after a few hours. If you can, try to avoid coffee early in the day, as it can cause those mid-morning crashes that are no fun for anybody. Instead, save your coffee for the early afternoon or switch to tea if you enjoy the ritual of a warm drink in the morning.
Meditation Session
One of my favorite things to do in the morning is just sit in my bed, clear my mind and meditate for 10 to 20 minutes. It really helps me center my thoughts, wash the drowsiness from my body and prepare for everything I need to do that day so I can do it in a calm, concentrated fashion. I rarely skip this morning ritual, and when I do (if I happen to sleep in) I am noticeably easier to aggravate at work and generally more stressed. It’s a great way to prepare for the day, especially if you manage to get up early enough so you have the kind of peace and quiet that you can’t get during the day.
Greet the Sunrise
The absolute first thing I do when I get up—even before having breakfast or brushing my teeth—is open the door to my balcony, step outside, and take a few deep breaths of that fresh, morning air. As I watch the sunrise for a couple of minutes, I take in the simple beauty of life. This ritual really calms me down and helps me appreciate the fact that I am alive and healthy. Watching the sunrise fills me with a kind of optimism that really comes in handy during a particularly stressful day. Even if you don’t have a nice view, just breathing that cool, fresh air is enough to clear your mind and wipe the sleep from your eyes for good.

Morning Playlist
Morning is also one of my favorite times to listen to music. After my meditation session, the next thing I do is put my headphones on and jam to one of my favorite playlists. Music is one of the the best ways to get the blood pumping through your veins and put you in a good mood in the morning, so you’re ready to tackle any challenges that await you.
As you can see, becoming a morning person is a piece of cake once you realize how cool it actually is. And the best part is, just by getting up a bit earlier you get more time to focus on yourself and do the things that you want to do before you launch into a busy and productive day. Considering how hectic and stressful the modern way of life can be, taking time to honor yourself and your needs first thing in the morning can help you totally transform your lifestyle.