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Five Ways to Unlock Your Inner Genius

Five Ways to Unlock Your Inner Genius
Do you realize that everything in our human world, from the technology we use daily to the art that inspires us, came into the world through the human brain? The human brain is truly our most precious gift. Through it, we will create the world of tomorrow, and it is only through the brain that we will find the answer to all the problems we face. As I see it, every baby born is a potential genius because of this powerful gift we have been given.

However, very few people realize their true genius. Most people think geniuses are incredibly rare, and they rarely believe that they themselves have such potential. I believe that all humans are geniuses because they have the power of imagination, which gives them the power to create and the true essence of genius.

You do not need to have special talent to use this power of your brain, either. In fact, you use your creative powers all the time, such as when you daydream about your ideal vacation or when you plan how you will spend your evening after work. All these creations start with a spark of imagination that you turn into reality. And, while these examples are rather mundane, you can use your genius for much greater creations if you choose. You can use your genius to improve your life and solve the most difficult problems you face. In fact, you can even change the world and help solve its many problems if you choose.

Here are a few tips for realizing your hidden genius brain:

1) Believe in your brain. Believing in the power of your brain is the critical first step in realizing your full potential. Perhaps because of how we are raised and educated, most people view their potential in rather limited ways. If we are not the ones who receive awards, gain fame, or reach the top of our professions, we tend to think of ourselves as having limited potential for creativity and problem-solving. This is unfortunate because it wastes the brain potential of millions of people who could be contributing to a better world. You must believe in the power of your brain before you can fully access it, so keep telling yourself, “My brain holds the key to my limitless potential.”

2) Develop self-confidence through goal achievement. To overcome any self-doubt that you have about your potential, set some achievable goals for yourself and dedicate yourself to achieving them. Begin with something small you know you can do every day, and then do it! The important thing is to make goal achievement a regular habit; otherwise, you will undermine your self-confidence. Establishing a goal achievement habit literally embeds a success mindset into the structure of your brain as your brain forms new neuron pathways and connections that support the positive habit. I recommend beginning with a physical fitness goal so you can really see the changes it makes in your body. As I tell my students, “Making a miracle body makes a miracle brain!” In particular, I recommend doing pull-ups. Often, people can’t even do one when they start, but over time, they improve greatly, gaining the ability to do one complete pull-up, then a few, and many more by the end of a year. If you dedicate yourself to this sort of goal, you will be amazed by how quickly you gain strength of both your body and mind.

3) See the world beyond the surface level. Having confidence in your brain and reaching your full potential also requires seeing reality beyond the surface of things, which is what I call “the zero point.” This reality is the dimension beyond the illusions of the material world to the world of pure cosmic energy. If you can begin to feel and understand energy, you will understand the importance of your soul's defining purpose in this life, the purpose that will manifest through your brain's unique genius. Holding this realization in your heart will help you to work past any obstacles that the physical world presents because you will know your true value and the ultimate value of your contributions to this world.

4) Visualize yourself as a saint. The saints presented in the world religions often have amazing abilities to perform miracles, such as healing the sick or feeding the hungry. I want you to see yourself the same way. Because you have a soul and thus a spiritual purpose for your life, your brain is here for you to accomplish miracles and to live your life like a saint. By this, I do not mean adherence to any particular code of conduct or belief system. Rather, I mean that you can offer solutions to the world’s problems and create a new and better world for humanity. Ultimately, this purpose is your soul's fulfillment, the real reason you were born into this life. By visualizing yourself as a saint, you are committing yourself to the highest possible version of yourself and the healing of all humanity.

5) View every challenge as an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Persistence in the completion of all goals is critically important. If you give up in the face of hardship, you will undermine your chances of reaching your full potential. So, since obstacles are inevitable, you can visualize yourself overcoming these obstacles and becoming stronger and better because of your determination. Although these difficult times are very uncomfortable, and the temptation to quit can be strong, never forget that these are the moments that are the greatest blessing because they are the ones that help you grow to your highest possible potential.

At this time in human history, it is more important than ever for people to realize their brains' full potential and use their inner genius. We have entered a whole new globalized world of connection between diverse cultures, and we are facing difficult political and environmental problems. We won’t be able to overcome any of these difficulties using the same perceptions and mindsets that we’ve used in the past. We need a world of people who are willing to rise to their highest selves and work to make a better world for everyone. So, your time to become a saintly genius has arrived. All you have to do is use your brain.

Written by Ilchi Lee
A visionary, educator, author, and founder of ChangeYourEnergy.com, Ilchi Lee has spent nearly three decades helping people create better lives for themselves. Lee has created Body & Brain Yoga, Brain Education, and hundreds of other wellness programs and methods. A model for the self-improvement he teaches, Ilchi Lee is continually changing and continually creative. Keep up with Ilchi Lee on his blog at http://www.ilchi.com.
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