When is the last time you thought about your personal values system? The values you carry within define who you are and what is important to you, yet it is easy to carry on without updating or refreshing your thoughts and your values.
Having a character mindset that allows you to develop personal strengths as well as be mindful of your impact upon others is the key to healthy independence in our modern world.
Values such as love,
joy, passion,
gratitude and peace come to mind immediately. But what about generosity, integrity, loyalty, compassion, kindness, tolerance, courage, acceptance, forgiveness and faith, just to name a few?
Thinking about your personal value systems and setting goals makes it easier to make decisions, both big and small. And decision making skills lead to independence as you strengthen the muscles in this area.
Knowing both your values and your true desires enables you to develop self-devotion and find the person you truly are,
your true self. This concept differs from self-discipline in that it is powered from within. With self-discipline, you may accomplish a task, but it is possible to resent the activity and time it takes and procrastinate for as long as possible.
Self-devotion means living day to day with your desires and values held close at heart. It is an enhanced, proactive form of self-discipline that allows us to choose to accomplish something, even when we don’t feel like doing it.
We recommend a new type of meditation. Try writing down your thoughts to these important questions. This will help you to develop greater self-awareness of your foundation of values. Ultimately, you can develop a pattern of action in service of your true self.
1. What do you know for sure, and truly believe in?
2. What are your greatest desires for yourself?
3. In what ways do you trust yourself?
After you have answered each question close your eyes and reflect on those answers. Relax your body and breathe in gratitude for each item.