So you’ve changed your energy. Now it’s bright and positive and pure, and it’s making a
Water Up, Fire Down energy circuit in your body. Your chakras are full and healthy, and you have more energy than you really need for your personal care and goals.
In this energy state, an interesting phenomenon occurs. It happens without your trying or thinking about it—it’s just natural. You start to want to share and give more to others. You want everyone to be as happy and healthy as yourself. And you want to use your extra energy for the benefit of all. When you thrive, you naturally want others to thrive.
Improving your energy not only makes you want to help others, but is a means of doing it. We are all connected—we come from the same source of life energy, our energies influence each other, and we are all residents of the same planet who share limited resources. When you make your energy flow healthfully and create
Water Up, Fire Down in your body, your good energy spreads good energy to the people and things in your environment, making them healthier, happier, and more peaceful.
As you enjoy the holiday season with its people, parties, food, and gifts, the simplest and most subtle gift you can give to the most people is your good energy. You can create positive and healthy energy with energy exercises, but also with your sincere intention to benefit others and remaining centered, by focusing on your
main lower energy center, throughout your day. You may find yourself spreading holiday cheer wherever you go.