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Topic: Relationship      Comments: 9   emma skura

Is a relationship an obstacle to following a spiritual path?

I feel that if I have a relationship in my life it would interfere with my spiritual life. Is that true?

Answered by Ilchi Lee

First, let me ask you a few questions. What is it you seek to obtain through your spiritual life? What are the spiritual values you think are important, and how do you want to grow? Can you comfortably talk with your partner about your spiritual life?

A romantic relationship could contribute to your spiritual life, or it could hinder it. That's the way it is with everything in the world. If you seriously want to grow, then everything that looks like an obstacle can become a learning opportunity for your growth. There is no growth, in fact, without obstacles.

Do you love your partner? Do you believe that your partner listens to what you say and is someone who could support and contribute to your growth?

If you have affection for and trust in each other, then an intimate relationship could grow into a beautiful relationship that provides you with spiritual satisfaction, as well as physical and emotional satisfaction. Conflicts or clashes that develop due to differences of perspective with your partner could be stepping stones for growth that bring you more learning and wisdom.

If you feel that your partner is completely unable to understand your need for spiritual growth, and that it is difficult for you to even have a comfortable discussion with each other about such issues, then maintaining such a relationship for long will be difficult for you because it won't be able to satisfy you.

If you haven't done it yet, try taking time to have an honest discussion with your partner about different issues in your spiritual life. Through that discussion, you'll get deep insight and wisdom into your own spiritual pursuits, as well as into your relationship with your partner.

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Ask Ilchi Lee is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. The use of Ask Ilchi Lee is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. Ask Ilchi Lee consists of self-help coaching techniques and tools and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.

8 Comments Tell us your thoughts
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This is a really great insight. Thank you!
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This question comes up for me all the time. Your wisdom is so profound. Thank you for your insights. Lots of love.
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I realized my life partner is connected to my soul so I can see myself. My own's soul reflection is in my partner! How I treat my partner is how I treat my own soul in many circumstances this is a very big awakening in which you can utilize your relationship to bloom and grow endlessly!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to this question. With Dahn practice this question comes up often. At times I have experienced the practice does not support family and relationships outside the practice and at times there's lack of understanding of outside obligations by the masters where there's a lot pressure in picking one vs. the other. If one feels being in a relationship is an obstacle to spiritual path and feels the partner gets in the way, listening with open heart to the partner's feelings without judgement is as important to me. Relationships are not one way roads. What is really the difference between one on a spiritual path and one 'NOT' on that path? All these words and labels are created by us humans, in particular our ego and they seem to isolate us from one another more than bringing us closer. To me If we cannot live with one another without judgement & true acceptance of our differences we are not coming from place of love & will not create internal and external peace.
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Hi Afsi, I agree it is challenging at times to balance relationship and spiritual paths. When they feel out of balance, I ask myself if I am getting stuck once again in a dualistic outlook, pitting my spiritual life against my family life, or rational thought against creative thought. We get stuck, sometimes, in our lives. But I believe that at an essential, core level, we can choose growth, and creativity, and meaning in our lives. I wish we were at master training together, it was so wonderful to spend time with you at BMT training. Hugs, CJKU. Teresa (Cottonwood)
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Thank you , so much .. your answer is very helpful, I appreciate .
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Great questions to ask yourself in any situation. Thank you.
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Thank you again, Ilchi Lee. I feel this article will be very helpful for many of my members.
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Thank you, Ilchi Lee this is very helpful.
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