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Topic: Emotional Healing      Comments: 0   vishesh

Negative emotions

How can we delete negative thoughts and emotions from the past that are stored in our brain and go on a path to serve humanity?

Answered by Ilchi Lee

First off, I want to ask you something. Do you really want to erase your negative thoughts and emotions? If so, then just erase them, because your brain has that kind of power.

While straightening your spine, find a quiet place and sit down. Close your eyes and shake your head lightly side to side for about 20 seconds, while imagining your negative thoughts falling off of you. Now stop. With your eyes remaining closed, imagine in your brain the dream that you desire. Imagine the thought and emotion that you’d like to have at the moment that you achieve your dream. The clearer those emotions and thoughts are--the better. Capture that moment with the “brain camera” in your head, and continue looking at that picture for a minute. This image remains ingrained in your mind whether your eyes are opened or closed. Our brains have the capability of a camera and also a mirror to copy that image. You may have difficulty doing this at first. However, trust your brain and keep training in this. It will become faster and easier for you to erase your negative thoughts and emotions to stay in a state that you want to be in.

I also want to add that your negative emotions and thoughts are affected by your gut bacteria. Eat healthy food and manage your gut well through Belly Button Healing to get your gut bacteria healthy. Doing this will greatly help you have positive thoughts and emotions.


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