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Topic: Sexuality      Comments: 0   Christian dwoonim

I’m afraid to love again

I’m wondering if sexual and financial energies are related because they are the two aspects of my life that are not fulfilled. I have a great spiritual life and a great relationship with my three children. I have a nice apartment and great friends. However, I’m still not in a relationship because I’m afraid to love again, and I can hardly make ends meet from month to month. What is wrong with me?

Answered by Ilchi Lee

You have many blessings! By your side are your children who are happy and great friends. You are also pursuing financial and spiritual abundance and have the time and energy to give it your best. If there is one piece of advice I want to extend to you, it is this: grow a tree of gratitude deep down in your heart. I would like you to take time to be truly grateful for all of the things that you have now. Feel gratitude to the air that gives you breath. Give gratitude to the sun that starts a new day for you. Have gratitude for the night that allows you to fall asleep. Send gratitude to your family and friends with whom you can share love. And finally, extend gratitude to your body, organs, and soul who work so hard every single moment to keep you alive. Try practicing gratitude meditation every day and night by thinking of something to be grateful for. Imagine that person or object and feel a deep sense of gratitude spring forth from your sincere mind. Additionally, while in meditation and imagining that person or thing you’re grateful for, proactively express out loud the grateful mind you feel. With this practice, you’ll be able to expand and share more of your grateful mind while discovering the true joy and value of life. This is eventually what will lead you find even bigger happiness. True joy and happiness come from within sincere gratitude, so I encourage you to grow that mind and make your happiness even bigger by sharing true joy and value. You will grow positively and extend your love to many.

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Ask Ilchi Lee is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. The use of Ask Ilchi Lee is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. Ask Ilchi Lee consists of self-help coaching techniques and tools and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.

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