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Topic: Life Purpose      Comments: 3   Sej

Lost track of Everything

It fills I had everything and lost everything. May be, its still there but I have no control over it. I lost the control. Health, Relationship, Family, Career, Finance, Emotional Health, Life Purpose, Spirituality, Sexuality. I need to start all over again. They all are interdependent. Where do I start from? How do I lift myself again and how do I chose the direction? What should be my first priority?

Answered by Ilchi Lee

Dear Sej,

Everyone experiences those times in life when you feel like you've lost everything and you've lost all control. I've been through times like that, too. What became the impetus that enabled me to break out of those situations was the process of finding my true value. You are not your name, your career, your emotions, your thoughts, or even your current circumstances; you mustn't allow those things to define you. The one key to solving all of your problems is to meet with your being as Life itself in all its beauty and to discover your true value.

To do this, I recommend qi energy training. That is because, through qi training, you'll be able to detach yourself from all of your thoughts and meet with yourself as an energy body, to meet the aspect of you that is purely Life. That's when your seven chakras, or energy centers, become healed and come back to life, and your whole body can form a torus, which is a perfect energy body. That's when you become able to understand what is meant by the statement, "You are the determining agent of creation that pulses with the energy of infinite life." I also discovered my true value by mastering qi energy, and from there, I was able to achieve every creation.

Hold on to hope, no matter what your situation. Don't lose faith in the greatness of Life, the wisdom, and the inherent benevolence within you. Although our lives can, at times, be fraught with pain and suffering beyond our control, we are beings in possession of a great soul that can always choose hope even in the midst of the greatest pain or tremendous challenges.

I hope that the myriad energy training methods and chakra healing methods available on ChangeYourEnergy.com help you to find your true value.

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Ask Ilchi Lee is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care. The use of Ask Ilchi Lee is specifically for addressing the underlying spiritual issues that may be causing stress. Ask Ilchi Lee consists of self-help coaching techniques and tools and should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.

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Thank you .. I will work towards it...
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